This is a significant case showing how the diligent performance of astral remedies changes the results of sub periods and prolonged transit impacts.
The sign Taurus rises in the ascendant, and the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Saturn are functional benefic (favorable) planets. Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Rahu and Ketu are functional malefic (unfavorable) planets. The Moon acts as a Sun-like planet. Persons born in this ascending sign are generally emotional and ease loving people when the Moon and Mercury are strong in the birth chart. If the Sun is fairly strong, they are able to lead their lives comfortably. Venus ruling health is utterly weak in this chart.

This person has been diligently performing propitiatory remedies over the past 25 years. There is a strong affliction in her birth chart. Debilitated Mars is under the exact affliction of Rahu. This makes her vulnerable to cancer or serious illness. She saw the main period of Ketu, from July, 2000 to July, 2007, without any notable difficulty. Similarly, she saw the sub period of strongly afflicted Mars, from end of July, 2013, through most of September, 2014. From 27th September, 2014, she has been in the sub period of Rahu in the main period of the functional malefic planet, Venus. During the sub period of Rahu she saw a prolonged transit impact of Ketu on her natal Rahu and Mars from October, 2014, up to the beginning of February, 2015. Simultaneous to this prolonged transit influence the prolonged transit impact of the most malefic planet Jupiter was also operating. It is the grace of only the propitiatory (peace-making) remedies which are seeing her through difficult times without any significant problems, and she is leading her normal life. This has been really thought provoking for me. I marvel regarding the power of the diligent performance of propitiatory remedies.