There is a weekly TV show out of Doordarshan, India, called Total Health. The purpose of the show is to create awareness and inform people about: the causes of diseases; preventive checkups; life style changes; and information/guidance on the availability of treatment for various diseases. On 8th February, 2015, the subject was 'cancer'. On the timing of cancer, all four participating doctors (professors) of the leading Institutions of India were of the opinion that in most of the cases cancer is suddenly diagnosed in the second or third stage. They were also of the opinion that people who consume tobacco, either through chewing or smoking, along with consuming alcohol, are more vulnerable to cancerous diseases. In India tobacco and alcohol consumption is linked as a cause for around 60 % of cancer patients.
The severe impact of Rahu or Ketu or the functional malefic planets on weak planets or houses in their birth charts make them vulnerable to cancerous or fatal diseases. It is more so when the impact of Rahu or of the functional malefic planet comes from the malefic houses and the planets ruling health and longevity are weak. Such an impact threatens the health and longevity. If the prime determinant(s) of health is/are strong, such severe afflictions give health concerns which may respond to non-surgical treatment. The severe impact with weak prime determinants of health and longevity makes a person vulnerable to diseases that are severe to cancerous.
The impact of Rahu or Rahu-like planets / houses induces one to indulge in intoxication / smoking. The severe influence makes them habitual for indulging in intoxication or some type of addiction including smoking. A preventive check up of planetary influences in one's birth chart, through a Systems' Approach (SA) astrologer can tell if the person is vulnerable to a cancerous disease. By following the astrological remedial advice, one can minimize or get rid of the chance of suffering from a cancerous disease. When the afflictions are strong and the person is destined to get a serious illness one, generally, does not follow the remedial suggestions.
On 13th January, 2015, I received a message from a Systems' Approach (SA) astrologer:
Here is another chart of a lady who was diagnosed with breast cancer a year ago and was operated upon and recovered to some extent. However, now suddenly they discovered that it has spread to her small brain and her condition is critical.
I feel she may not survive beyond February/March 2015.

I replied that the planets are extremely weak, afflicted and badly placed in the birth chart. Such influences cause persisting challenges in life. The lord of the sixth house goes to the twelfth house and afflicts the most effective point of the twelfth house. The prolonged transit from February to June, 2015, by the nodal axis and Saturn is likely to be quite difficult.
The ascending degree is 15:35 and the transit Rahu-Ketu axis is likely to afflict the same through a prolonged influence. Transit Saturn at 10 degrees in the ninth house is likely to closely aspect the natal Mars and Jupiter placed in the sixth house. The lady was running the sub period of Mercury which is placed in the twelfth house in the birth chart.
Then on 11th February, 2015, while I was returning from Vrindavan I was informed that the lady passed away on 11th February. My reply was:
"Very sad. I don't know when the people will learn to consult an astrologer well within the time as a preventive remedy."
The astrologer sent another message saying:
The more sad part is they had consulted an astrologer who said her longevity is very good. I am sure he must be a classical astrologer, who obviously misguided them. Such astrologers are a disgrace to the human race. They are damaging the reputation of astrologers and science of astrology both.
I feel SA must be propagated throughout India and also the world on a war footing, which will help save human lives through correct reading of charts and appropriate remedies.
My reply was:
"You are right and that is why I have placed all lessons for learning astrology through Systems' Approach free of cost."
Medical science does not throw light on situations in which a person can be the victim of a serious disease or cancer. So, the aid of astrology in the medical field is of great importance. Needless to say, those who are impelled by the grace of God, make use of this.
Let me take up a few more case studies:

In this birth chart all the planets are weak. Weak Saturn is afflicted due to bad placement and exact affliction by Rahu and Ketu. Weak Mars is combust, badly placed and closely afflicted due to conjunction with the most malefic planet, Mercury. In the latter half of 2015 there will be a prolonged transit affliction to natal Mercury and Mars, both placed in the eighth house. Weak Mars is the dispositor for the planets Sun and Venus. Astrology remedies were suggested to this person ten years back and he was performing the remedies diligently. Later, he was advised that the second half of 2015 could bring some serious health concern or malignant growth threatening his life. So, he should continue to perform the propitiatory remedies diligently. However, he currently is not continuously wearing the amulet or regularly propitiating the malefic planets. So it is up to him to take care with the help of the astrology remedial suggestions. The health status on this case will be updated later.

In this horoscope, there are two strong afflictions. Rahu-like planet, Mars, closely afflicts the houses occupied and aspected and the functional malefic planet, Venus, causes exact affliction to Mercury ruling the fifth house. These planetary afflictions not only indicate inordinate delay or denial of marriage but also serious health concerns or vulnerability to a cancerous disease. Many astrologers have predicted that this birth chart denies marriage. The native met with me in November, 2009. I informed her about the planetary afflictions and their results. I also advised the astrology remedies in the form of a special purpose kavach and propitiatory remedies for the functional malefic planets. I predicted that with diligent performance of the remedies not only her health will be protected but also she would be getting married. The marriage may take time as the afflictions are very strong. Finally she got married in February, 2015. Her family was so happy.

In this case there are strong afflictions. The most malefic planet, Jupiter, causes close afflictions to the houses ruling family, health and career. Ketu causes an exact affliction to weak Mars ruling the house of immunity and marital happiness. The Sun, Saturn, Moon and Mercury are weak. The afflictions and the weakness of planets make the person vulnerable to serious health concerns, as well as marital and progeny problems. The native could not achieve success in having a child even after six years of marriage and consulted many non-SA astrologers who said that there were no chances for a child. Without the application of astrology remedies, even an SA astrologer may come to the same conclusion. So, the SA astrology remedial advice was sought in early 2006. The marital relationship had also become inharmonious. The person followed the advice of wearing a special purpose kavach and diligently performing the peace making remedies for Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Rahu and Ketu. The performance of astral remedies not only helped her in the matter of health but also helped the native improve the marital relationship. The native was blessed with a son on 8th May, 2009. The delivery was through a c-section in an elected auspicious time. The family is living in happiness.
Some people are in the habit of rejecting astrological knowledge and the role of remedies without even trying them. So, that is their fate. Those who are blessed and believe, get the benefit of the knowledge and remedies.
If Rahu and Ketu afflict the most effective point of a house (containing a natal planet's mooltrikona sign or any natal planet) or they strongly afflict any natal planet through conjunction/aspect, in natal chart or in transit chart, then the significations of the afflicted natal planet are harmed.
Now let me add a couple of examples here. In one of the cases, a lady contacted us and said that she was having problems in her relationship matters. Her natal exalted Venus is placed in the second house at 15 degrees. Her natal Saturn is placed at 17 degrees in the sixth house.
She was informed about a prolonged transit influence of Rahu and Ketu in March 2015, and was advised to exercise patience until July, 2015. On 15 April 2015, she informed me that she was so fed up with the behavior of her husband that she had been thinking of a divorce and that her family supports her. In her husband's chart there was also a prolonged transit impact during this time. On 10th May, 2015, she reported that the situation had become so bad a divorce was now imminent. A few hours later she informed me that the problem was so serious there did not appear to be any alternative but to commit suicide. I advised her to be brave, have patience for another two months and let go of the idea of suicide. She should wait for another two months and only after that make a decision of what to do. On the 22nd of May, 2015, her husband sent a message that he and his wife were traveling and sought advice in another matter. So, with patience the problem in their relationship matter was over and deep thoughts of suicide were gone. Both of them perform propitiatory remedies and are wearing the Special Purpose Kavachs.
Yet in another case I received a phone call on 16th May, 2015, from a person saying his medical situation was very serious and that he may live for only another two to three days. In his birth chart with Pisces ascendant, Mars was under the prolonged transit influence of Ketu, transit Mars was under the exact affliction of transit Saturn and he was in the sub period of a weak, badly placed and afflicted Mercury in the twelfth house. He was advised to exercise patience and continue to perform the propitiatory remedies with the help of his wife.
On 17 May, 2015, I received the following email message from him:
"It is my SOS. Circumstances are so grave I have no other person to look except you. Let me narrate the events in order. Sir, with start of TR affliction of Sat to TR Mars. I was kicked with high fever (104-5 Fahrenheit) There was no gradual built up of body temperature. My doctor told me it was heat stroke. After two days of observation he advised a list of tests. I told my doctor that problem is in blood only. All test were ok except blood test . A serious infection was observed in blood.. (Hats off to SA)
Since start of the event I am facing constant head pain. Body temporarily falls to 102-103 then shoots up. I am unable to sleep. Sometime I feel slightly disoriented. Now I come to shattering point.
Besides my doctor I am also monitoring blood reports. Particularly haemogram. In the haemogram I focus on ESR (measure of attack on defense system) haemogram. In haemogram dated 15/07/2015 ESR was 79 in haemogram of 17/05/2015 ESR has increased to 103. A very dangerous signal. My doctor is suspecting cancer. I am shattered. He is sending me to senior doctor.
My humble question, how a mere transit affliction of three months by Rahu in benefic houses cause such a drastic change in blood system For the first time I am doubting my capability as an astrologer. For your analysis I have given all these details."
I sent the following reply on 17th May, 2015.
"There has been multiple afflictions during this time besides the afflicted planets being in the state of weakness. The current sub period lord is also closely afflicted. Besides, the transit afflictions this is another factor. Let doctors diagnose and treat. I believe your wife is doing all remedies. Some of the transit afflictions are easing. Things happen as per the plan of the God. So, have faith, positive attitude and remember God or recite some mantra."
On 17th May, 2015 I received another message:
"Thanks for kind reply. I patiently checked my horoscope for past transits. further I checked future transits and all related aspects. Now I understand your letter. Sir I am wearing two power kavachs. as regards upayes these are being performed for all members of family. Sir I understand you are giving health/ vitality kavach (SL). will you provide me the same. My wife cannot come manpower is negligible with me. Further my father is 93 years old. So I will send one of my relations. He is son of my elder sister-in-law. You have met him. Kindly don't discuss these thing with him.
Always seeking your blessings"
The following reply was sent to him:
“I can give you two special Kavaches(laminated card) as a gift. One you can keep one in your pocket and the other you can keep under your pillow.
Your relative can collect these. There is no time to wear any metal Kavach in the near future."
On 22 May, 2015, he informed me by telephone that the fever had come down and there was no blood infection.
These two above-mentioned examples have been added to show how serious situations can be under the prolonged transit influences. So, patience, peacemaking remedies, a positive attitude and the proper treatment helps a lot.