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One of the medical specialists practicing
in Calcutta consulted us for the
education of his daughter around May,
1985. Thereafter, he referred to us some
cases of chronic patients. One of these
patients was in an ICU due to diabetes,
another was a patient of bed wetting,
third was a patient of fear psychosis,
fourth was a patient of asthma, fifth was
a case of depression, etc. etc. All
these cases demonstrated improvement in a
couple of months after performance of
propitiation and in some cases some
gemstones were used. One day the doctor
said that he had recommended so many
persons to us but we have not referred
any patients to him. We just started
laughing. He was surprised and asked for
the reason of our laugh. Then we
explained him that our advice had been
helpful in all the cases of chronic
illnesses referred by him. When anybody
consults us on health issues, he/she was
already in treatment with his/her
doctor. We suggest astral remedies for
better effectiveness of medicine and the
person benefits. So, there is little
chance of reciprocal reference. Let me
bring out some of the charts here.
CASE OF DIABTESE (Male born 9th June,
1948, 1955 Hours, Calcutta, India).