In February, 1992, Mr. Verma, an astrology student, who had been studying astrology in a New Delhi School, brought another person to me for astrological advice. This person, Dr. BKK, was working as a medical specialist in a noted hospital in Delhi. Dr. BKK said he did not believe in astrology. He had only come because of the insistence of Mr. Verma. Dr. BKK gave me his birth details. His marriage had been delayed and he wanted to know the reasons why.
I prepared his birth chart and found that the seventh house is closely afflicted by Ketu. The lord of the seventh house is also placed in an afflicted house. Transit Ketu at the time of the reading was at 15 degrees in Gemini and afflicting the natal Moon. Mars being the ascendant lord and the prime determinant of profession is placed in the house of status and shows his position. The weakness of natal Jupiter indicates that support through good fortune and father is less. So, the native was advised (1) to wear a yellow sapphire ring for strengthening the natal Jupiter; and (2) to propitiate Ketu by giving some food to a street dog. Dr. BKK questioned how giving food to a street dog was related to his gaining marriage. I told him that even though he was handsome, his height was more than 6', he enjoyed good health and good position his marriage continued to be delayed. As per astrological analysis it was being obstructed by the influence of Ketu. I went on to clarify that though the relationship of the remedy for Ketu and his marriage could not be explained scientifically, the remedy would help in providing a timely marriage. The choice of doing the propitiatory remedy rested with Dr. BKK. He agreed to perform the remedies which resulted in his marriage to a lady medical doctor.
Dr. BKK was blessed with a son. When the son was about one year old, he had fallen ill due to a fever. The fever persisted for more than a month. Mr. Verma suggested to Dr. BKK that he contact me for finding a remedy. Dr. BKK mocked the suggestion and said that he and his wife both were doctors in a big hospital and what could an astrologer do to remedy the fever. Another week went by. On the insistence of Mr. Verma, Dr. BKK again contacted me for advice. I found that there was a transit affliction of Ketu in the chart of the boy. I told the doctor that again the performance for the remedy of Ketu was required for his son. I also advised him that whenever he was in a prolonged stress he should do the remedy for Ketu to receive relief.
Once again, time went by. For about ten years there was no contact. I had moved to my present location. In my neighborhood there lived a lady doctor. From her behavior at times she appeared to be confused or absent minded. One day in June, 2004, at 2:00 P.M., my son Rajesh and I were sitting in our drawing room when this lady doctor returned from her hospital and instead of entering into her own house door, she opened our entrance door. I joked with Rajesh that she appeared to have forgotten her own house that day. But when we opened our lobby door to find out the reason for her coming into our house, she asked whether I was the famous astrologer V. K. Choudhry in Gurgaon. I responded to her wanting to know who had told her this. She mentioned to me that she had been dealing with a health problem over the last one year and had consulted most of the doctors in Gurgaon; none of the advice was helping her. Then we understood the reason for her appearing as confused or absent minded. At the time when her health problem was being discussed in her own hospital another lady doctor suggested that she consult an astrologer. Then, a lady doctor present during the discussion, the wife of Dr. BKK, recommended that she should consult the famous astrologer, V. K. Choudhry in Gurgaon. The suggestion of Dr. Mrs. BKK brought this doctor to our house. Her horoscope is given here.
The sign Scorpio rises in the ascendant and the planets Jupiter, Sun, Mercury, Moon and Saturn become the functional favorable planets. The planets Mars, Venus, Rahu and Ketu are functionally unfavorable planets. Jupiter and the Moon act as Sun-like planets. People born in this ascending sign enjoy professional success in life when the planets Sun, Jupiter and the Moon are well placed and fairly strong in the birth chart. They become doctors, officers with the government and in armed forces, managers and leaders. They enjoy a good position in society. In her case the Sun and the Moon are conjunct in the ninth house. Though the Moon becomes combust, this mutual conjunction and its good placement in the Sun-like house give fairly good results. The lord of the second house, ruling status, is placed in the tenth house. The lord of the fourth house, ruling mental peace, is badly placed in the state of debilitation. Mercury, ruling confidence and income, is badly placed. Mars rules her health and is in utter old age and badly placed. Venus is under the exact affliction by an aspect of Rahu. During the sub period of the badly placed Mercury in the main period of Ketu she started suffering from her health condition. This health concern persisted into the Venus sub period in the main period of Venus, as well. At this stage she sought the astrological advice and remedies. She agreed to begin wearing a Special Power Kavach at the advised auspicious time and also regularly performed the propitiatory remedies advised for Rahu, Ketu, Venus and Mars. The astral remedies helped not only on her health front but also brought good fortune to the family.