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The close influence of various planets on the ascendant, the second, third, ninth, tenth and eleventh houses shows the level of placement in life and the level of generation of income and name and fame based on the strength of the influencing planets. The planet Sun, personified as a king in the planetary cabinet, whenever exerting influence, blesses the native with high status and the authority of the state. Similarly, the planet Moon, also a royal planet, is indicative of fairly good status in life. The planet Mars gives the executive authority. Venus, Jupiter and Mercury bless the native with advisory roles and affluent position in life while Saturn does not indicate a very good status. The planets when occupying various signs change their impact as per the strength of their dispositors. For example, even a well placed Saturn in sign Leo would bless the native with good status in life if the Sun, dispositor of Saturn, is strong in the nativity.
The ninth house rules the fortune, father, preceptor and religion/order. The Sun signifies all these things. The second house rules the status with the state/government, higher education (intellect) and wealth. These aspects are signified by the planet, Sun. The third house rules courage and communications which is must for leaders, who are like the kings in the present times of democratic forms of Govt. Due to this reason the lord of the third house has been equated with the Sun.
In this chapter we shall discuss the case studies depicting the level of status and income under influence of various planets.

The sign Cancer rises in the ascendant. Mars and the Sun become the prime determinants of professional matters. The sign Pisces rises in the ascendant of dasamsa. The Moon is placed in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. Venus and Saturn are secondary determinants of professional matters. Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Mercury acts as a Sun-like planet.
The Sun, being lord of the house of status, is strong and placed in the eleventh house, ruling gains in life. This placement of the Sun indicates friendships with highly placed persons as also acquisition of commanding status in life. Mercury acting like a Sun like planet is also placed in the house of gains and is under the exact influence of Rahu, ruling manipulations. Mars, the lord of the tenth house, is weak due to bad placement and close affliction of the most malefic planet, Saturn. The Moon is badly placed in the eighth house and weak. Venus, ruling the fourth house, is placed in the twelfth house of the chart and is afflicted by Saturn. This placement of Venus is indicative of stay and visits to foreign lands in connection with one's professional pursuits. The close influence of Saturn on Mars is indicative of both easy gains as also obstructions. Jupiter is weak due to weak dispositor. Saturn is weak as it is debilitated and weakly disposed. Mercury is weak due to combustion and Rahu's affliction.
The good placement of the strong Sun in this case conferred gains of status to the person. He headed an international organization. The unfavorable influences of Saturn on Mars and Rahu on weak Mercury created some controversies and impediments. The transit malefic influences could be mellowed to some extent by performance of astral remedial measures.

The sign Scorpio rises in the ascendant. The Sun and Jupiter are the prime determinants of professional matters in this case. Aquarius rises in the ascendant of dasamsa and Saturn becomes the additional prime determinant of professional matters. No planet is in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. Mars, Venus, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. The Moon and Jupiter act as Sun-like planets.
The most effective point of the ascendant is closely influenced by the Sun. The lord of the eleventh house, strong Mercury, ruling gains and friends is placed in the ascendant. The influence of the Sun, who is lord of the tenth house, blessed the native with the prominent political career and he enjoyed authoritative ministerial positions from time to time. The placement of strong Mercury blessed him with continued support of his friends and that proved to be gainful to the native. The lord of the fourth house is placed in the house of conflicts. The Moon and Jupiter, acting like the Sun, are badly placed in the house of conflicts which involved him in controversies and conflicts, as well. Due to the bad placement of the planets in the sixth house and close affliction of Mars and Venus to the Moon, the highly placed career of the native was not consistent and sometimes he was just in the opposition and wilderness.
MALE BORN 2ND MAY 1944, 2000 HRS.

The sign Libra rises in the ascendant. The Moon becomes the prime determinant of professional matters. Aries rises in dasamsa and its lord, Mars, becomes the additional prime determinant of professional matters. The Sun is in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. Jupiter becomes secondary determinant of professional matters. Mercury, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Jupiter acts as a Sun-like planet in this case.
The Moon is well placed in the house of gains in the sign Leo. The Sun has mixed influences as it is well placed, exalted and influences the most effective point of the ascendant closely, but it is also exactly afflicted by the most malefic planet and placed in an afflicted house. Jupiter acting like the Sun closely influences the most effective points of the tenth and second houses. Besides being in infancy, Venus is also weak due to its mooltrikona house and its house of placement being exactly afflicted by the most malefic planet, Mercury. Saturn is weak due to infancy. Mercury exactly afflicts the Sun and makes the person vulnerable to losses both on financial and professional front. The close influence of the Sun on the ascendant and of Jupiter on the second and tenth houses conferred a good executive status with the government. Rahu and Ketu do not form close afflictions in this nativity.
The weakness of Saturn resulted into lack of male progeny to the native. The affliction of Mercury to the lord of the eleventh house resulted into loss of an elder brother during the sub-period of the Sun in the early years of life. The affliction of Mercury to the Sun also resulted into loss of income during the sub-periods of Mercury in his post retirement years. During the sub-period of Mercury, the native could not see his business deals through in spite of the high influence exercised through high places. At that juncture, he sought astral remedies to avoid the obstructions in the way of carrying out a successful business activity.

The sign Aries rises in the ascendant. The ascendant lord, Mars, becomes the prime determinant of professional matters as there is no mooltrikona sign in the tenth and second houses. As Aries rises in the ascendant of dasamsa, Mars is also the additional prime determinant of professional matters. Jupiter is in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. Mercury, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Jupiter acts as a Sun-like planet.
Mars is strong in the tenth house in exaltation along with the strong lord of the fourth house. The exalted strong Sun is placed in the ascendant near the most effective point. Venus is in exact conjunction with the Sun and becomes vulnerable to problems during unfavorable transit influences. Saturn and Mercury are weak due to debilitation while Jupiter is weak due to old age. Mercury is also badly placed. The lord of the eleventh house is under the favorable close influence of exalted lord of the ascendant. Rahu and Ketu do not form close afflictions in the natal chart.
The strong Mars and Sun blessed the native with a senior administrative position with the government. Her professional career was quite strong. She enjoyed authoritative positions and good income and enjoyed the comforts of residential bungalows and government vehicles throughout her life. The combustion of Venus, however, caused short lived problems in her married life due to malefic transit influences. Her spouse was also in senior administrative service with the government.
MALE BORN 6TH JULY 1946, 0726 HRS.

The sign Cancer rises in the ascendant. Mars and the Sun become the prime determinants of professional matters. The sign Cancer rises in the ascendant of dasamsa and the Moon becomes the additional prime determinant of professional matters. Saturn and Jupiter are placed in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Mercury acts as a Sun-like planet.
Mars is in Leo but weak due to the weakness of its dispositor. Mars closely occupies the most effective point of the second house. The Sun, being lord of the house of status, is placed in the twelfth house and weak. Strong Mercury acting like the Sun closely influences the ascendant. The strong lord of the ascendant, being a royal planet, is in the third house. Jupiter, being the lord of the sixth house, is strong. Venus, being lord of the fourth house, is weak due to old age and exact affliction of Ketu. Rahu and Ketu occupy their signs of exaltation. Rahu's close influence on the Moon and Jupiter adds a touch of diplomacy necessary for the political bosses. The weaknesses and close afflictions are covered by the strong Moon and strong unafflicting lord of the sixth house to a large extent. The weakness of the Sun and Mars is covered by the strong Mercury acting like the Sun and strong Moon to a large extent. The owner of the chart has been President of US twice.

The sign Virgo rises in the ascendant. The lord of the second house, Venus, becomes the prime determinant of professional matters as there is no mooltrikona sign in the tenth house. Cancer rises in the ascendant of dasamsa and the Moon becomes the additional prime determinant of professional matters. Saturn and Jupiter are in their signs of debilitation in dasamsa. Mars is secondary determinant of professional matters. Saturn, Mars, the Sun, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Venus acts as a Sun-like planet in this case.
Strong Venus is exactly on the most effective point of the second house. The Moon is well placed. Rahu and Ketu closely afflict the houses occupied and aspected. Jupiter is weak due to combustion and due to its placement in an afflicted house. Mercury is well placed but weak due to infancy and due to its placement in an afflicted house. Mars is weak due to combustion and due to its placement in an afflicted house. Mars closely afflicts the houses occupied and aspected. Saturn is weak due to the weakness of dispositor.
The strong Venus acting like the Sun and being prime determinant of the professional matters blessed the native with senior administrative position with the government despite the weakness of other planets and closely afflicted houses. The weaknesses and close afflictions caused serious health problems to the native.

The sign Aries rises in the ascendant. The ascendant lord, Mars, becomes the prime determinant of professional matters as there is no mooltrikona sign in the tenth and second houses. Capricorn rises in the ascendant of dasamsa. Mars is in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. The Sun is secondary determinant of professional matters. Mercury, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Jupiter acts as a Sun-like planet.
Mars is well placed in the ascendant but is weak due to debilitation in navamsa. The Sun is strong and closely conjunct with the most effective point of the tenth house creating a good influence on the professional matters of the native. Venus is strong in the tenth house.
The placement of Mars and the Sun blessed the native with senior state executive post involving name and fame and meeting royal dignitaries and ministerial authorities, day in and day out. The functional malefic Mercury is well placed but weak as it exactly afflicts both the ninth and third houses. The lord of the ninth house is weak as it is badly placed in the sixth house, weakly disposed and its mooltrikona house is exactly afflicted. The weakness of the lord of the ninth house is covered by the strong Sun to a large extent. The lord of the fourth house is placed in the twelfth house indicating the stay in foreign countries for residential purposes.

The sign Capricorn rises in the ascendant. Venus and Saturn become the prime determinants of professional matters. Gemini rises in the ascendant of dasamsa. Mars is placed in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. The Sun is secondary determinant of professional matters. The Sun, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Mercury and Saturn act as Sun-like planets in this case. The persons born under this sign have dynamic professional approach.
In this chart both the lords of the ninth and tenth houses are placed in the ascendant. The lord of the tenth house closely influences the ascendant while the lord of the ninth house, acting like a Sun, is strong. Both of these planets bless the native with affluent status and materialistic possessions through his job. The lord of the eighth house is placed is the second house and closely influences the lord of the second house placed in the eighth house. The influence of the Sun on Saturn raises the level of the status of the person. Since the Sun is a functional malefic planet the satisfaction with the job environment is lacking. The placement of the lord of the fourth house in the second house indicates that the person would acquire the status in life on the strength of his academic brilliance. Rahu and Ketu do not form close afflictions in the chart. The functional malefic Jupiter is weak due to old age and closely influences the fourth, sixth and eighth houses. The influence of Jupiter manifested in the form of health problems. Jupiter's placement in its own mooltrikona sign protects the comforts and married life of the native although the lord of the seventh house is badly placed and weak. The native is a senior member of the administrative services of the state. The involvement of the Sun in a mutual relationship with the lord of the house of the status and placement of strong Mercury in the ascendant play a vital role in the level of the status of the native.

The sign Scorpio rises in the ascendant. The Sun and Jupiter are the prime determinants of professional matters in this case. Virgo rises in the ascendant of the dasamsa and Mercury becomes the additional prime determinant of professional matters. Mercury is in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. Mars, Venus, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. The Moon and Jupiter act as Sun-like planets.
The most effective point of the second house is closely influenced by the Sun. The lord of the second house, ruling status, wealth and family, is strong in the seventh house. The influence of the Sun, who is lord of the tenth house, blessed the native with the prominent political career and she enjoyed authoritative government positions including the prime minister of the country. Mercury, ruling the friends and being additional prime determinant of professional matters, is weak as it is in utter infancy. The Moon, acting like the Sun, and the lord of the fourth are closely conjunct and placed in the eleventh house ruling gains. This conjunction creates a good impact for the parents and assets of the native despite weakness of the planets due to old age. The weakness of the planets makes the position vulnerable to losses due to transit afflictions. Rahu-Ketu axis is on the most effective points of the houses and the extent of affliction for the houses occupied and aspected is less than 20%. The placement of the lord of the tenth house in the eighth house indicates obstructions in career. The functional malefic Mars is badly placed, linking disputes to inheritance. The placement of the lord of the house of losses in the sixth house makes the position of the native weak in comparison to her opponents.
Due to the good and bad planetary configurations outlined above, the native has seen many ups and downs in her life depending upon the operational periods. In the end of 1996, when the impact of the transit Rahu and Ketu was stationary on the most effective point of the various houses in her natal chart and she was about to have the sub-period of Ketu in the main period of Saturn, she was defeated in the general elections. The subsequent sub-period of Venus, as explained above, was unfavorable to her and she was exiled from her country. The sub-period of strong Jupiter may again bring some of her fortunes back.

The sign Aquarius rises in the ascendant. Saturn becomes the prime determinant for the professional matters as there is no mooltrikona sign either in the tenth or the second house. In dasamsa Leo rises and the Sun becomes the additional prime determinant for professional matters. No planet is in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. The Sun, Moon and Mars are secondary determinants of professional matters. The Moon, Mercury, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Mars and Venus act as Sun-like planets.
Saturn is strong in the fifth house, linking status with professional background, and is closely associated with the lord of the third house, Mars. The Sun is strong in the second house, ruling status, close to the most effective point of the house. Mars is weak due to old age. Venus is well placed in the house of initiatives but is weak due to infancy and weakness of dispositor. Venus is closely under the afflicting aspect of Ketu. Jupiter is weak due to utter infancy and is exactly under the afflicting aspect of Rahu. The functional malefic planets, the Moon and Mercury, are placed in the second house but are away from the most effective point. Mercury is weak due to combustion and debilitation.
Coming from an ordinary family, the native could acquire the position of the Director of a large corporate house owned by the Government due to the close influence of the Sun on the second house. However, the placement of the functional malefic planets in the second house and severe affliction of Rahu to the weak Jupiter posed difficulties to the native from time to time in the sub-periods of the afflicting planets. When the Sun is strong, things remain manageable. The native sought astral remedies to reduce the impact of the afflictions in the chart.

The sign Capricorn rises in the ascendant. Venus and Saturn become the prime determinants of professional matters. Aries rises in the ascendant of the dasamsa and Mars becomes the additional prime determinant of professional matters. Venus is placed in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. The Sun, Rahu and Mars are secondary determinants of professional matters. The Sun, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Mercury and Saturn act as Sun-like planets in this case.
Saturn is strong in the third house, ruling initiative and exploratory mind. Venus, ruling the tenth house and being significator for creativity, closely aspects the most effective point of the ascendant from the seventh house. Venus is weak due to weakness of its dispositor, the debilitated Moon. Exalted Mercury occupies its own mooltrikona sign but is weak due to combustion and infancy. The Sun is placed in the eighth house being its lord and also influences the most effective point of the second house. Rahu-Ketu axis does not form close afflictions in the chart. The functional benefic Mars closely aspects the most effective point of the second house from the house of gains. Jupiter is placed near to the most effective point of its mooltrikona house but afflicts the most effective points of the fourth, sixth and eighth houses and the Sun.
The good influences, pertaining to the lord of the tenth house and the lord of the second house, blessed the native not only with a high status with the government but also in the creative field of science. The native rose to the level of Chief in an organization connected with scientific research.