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The strong lords of the first, tenth and third houses and the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn and those placed in the third house, during the course of their operational periods give entrepreneurial inclinations to the native. A strong lord of the third house influencing the third, first, second, tenth and eleventh houses impels the native to go in for business for greater earnings during the course of its operational periods. A strong Sun adds to the organizational capabilities and enhances the results and success. The strong position of Jupiter and the lord of the ninth house, if containing a mooltrikona sign, contribute the element of luck blessing the native with easy success.

While handling the question of whether one should venture into a business or not, the astrologer should particularly consider the influence of the planets governing losses on the fourth house, second house, tenth house, third house and eleventh house or their lords. It is also necessary that the lords of the second, tenth and fourth houses and planets the Sun and the Moon are not under the close influence of Rahu which results in sudden suffering or losses or loss of reputation and causes problems with the state agencies. We shall take up the subject further with the help of the discussions through case studies for better comprehension.


The sign Gemini rises in the ascendant. The lord of the second house, the Moon, becomes the prime determinant of professional matters as there is no mooltrikona sign in the tenth house. Virgo rises in the ascendant of dasamsa and Mercury becomes the additional prime determinant of professional matters. Venus is in debilitation in dasamsa. Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. The planet Saturn and the Moon act as Sun-like planets in this case.

As brought out earlier, the placement of the lord of the second house in the twelfth house impels the native to go to a foreign place for acquiring wealth and status in life. The lord of the house of the income is in the third house indicating a career in sales and marketing or having his own business enterprise. The exalted but combust and weak lord of the fourth house is closely conjunct with the malefic Rahu and indicates that the business acumen of the native will be blurred and he may face loss of assets. The close conjunction of functional benefic planets, Saturn and Jupiter being the lords of the ninth and seventh houses, respectively, in the house of gains, is indicative of gains from foreign lands.

The simultaneous of the placement of the Moon in the twelfth house along with Saturn and Jupiter in the eleventh house in the natal chart took the native to a foreign country for business. The business was going on well but during the sub-period of Rahu in the main period of Jupiter, the native incurred business losses as Rahu closely afflicts Mercury. The performance of astral remedies removed the afflicting influence of Rahu.


The sign Leo rises in the ascendant. Mercury becomes the prime determinant of the professional matters. The sign Taurus rises in the ascendant of dasamsa. The Moon is in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. The Sun and Mars are secondary determinants of professional matters. The Moon, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Mercury, Venus and Mars act as Sun-like planets.

Mercury is closely conjunct with the Sun and is placed in the fifth house indicating that the native will derive a good amount of earnings through trading and speculative investments. Mercury is weak as it is combust and weakly disposed. The Sun is additionally weak due to the close influence of Rahu and Ketu. The placement of exalted Saturn in the third house, close to the most effective point of the third house, indicates that the native may enter into business initiatives in a foreign land as Saturn rules the seventh house. The lord of the ninth house, ruling fortune, Mars, is closely influencing the most effective points of the seventh, tenth, first and the second houses. The influences of Saturn and Mars are indicative of huge financial benefits.

The native is a multi-millionaire merchant exporter and is a multi-millionaire and enjoys all comforts. The planets, Jupiter, the Moon and Venus are weak in the nativity as they are in the state of infancy. The Moon ruling the house of losses is placed in the eighth house indicating loss of inheritance. The close mild affliction of Rahu and Ketu to the weak Sun caused delay in progeny matters.


The sign Aquarius rises in the ascendant. Saturn becomes the prime determinant for the professional matters as there is no mooltrikona sign either in the tenth or the second house. In dasamsa Gemini rises in the ascendant. No planet is in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. Venus, Rahu and Ketu are secondary determinants of professional matters. The Moon, Mercury, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Mars and Venus act as Sun-like planets.

The functional benefic planets, Venus and Saturn, closely and mutually influence each other, indicating exponential growth to the native. The lord of the house of gains is placed in the ascendant. The Rahu-Ketu axis is on the most effective point of the houses and afflicts all the houses occupied and aspected. The Sun and Mercury are rendered weak due to the weakness and bad placement of their dispositor. The placement of Rahu on the most effective point of the second house and the Moon in the second house is indicative of disputes and loss of reputation for the native in the sub-periods of these planets.

The good placement of Jupiter, Venus and Saturn in the natal chart blessed the native with a very good status. He is the chairman of a big pharmaceutical company. To ward off the evil influence of Rahu and the Moon, the native was advised to perform the astral remedies.


The sign Cancer rises in the ascendant. Mars and the Sun become the prime determinants of professional matters. The sign Aries rises in the ascendant of dasamsa and Mars becomes an additional prime determinant of the professional affairs. No planet is placed in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Mercury acts as a Sun-like planet.

The Sun, suffering from the close affliction of Rahu and the exact affliction of Jupiter and Saturn to the most effective point of its house of placement, becomes weak. Mars is exactly conjunct with the Rahu-Ketu axis and becomes weak. Mercury, the lord of the third house, is placed in the house of gains indicating that the native may venture into his own business. The planets placed in the eleventh and fifth houses become weak as the most effective points of these houses are under the exact affliction of the most malefic planet, Saturn, and the functional malefic Jupiter. Saturn also afflicts the ascendant. The lord of the ascendant is placed in the fifth house in its sign of debilitation and is suffering from the close afflicting aspect of Ketu. The functional malefic Jupiter is on the most effective point of the fifth house and afflicts the houses occupied and aspected. The lord of the house of assets, Venus, is weak due to infancy and afflicted house of placement, being placed in the eleventh house.

Due to the close affliction of all planets in the natal chart, the family business suffered persistent setbacks and is not going on well resulting in the late settlement of the native. Continuous unfavorable spells of time impelled the native to seek astral remedies for changing the trends. The astral remedies in such all-round severe afflictions show result with some delay.


The sign Libra rises in the ascendant. The Moon becomes the prime determinant of professional matters. Capricorn rises in the ascendant of dasamsa. No planet is in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. Venus and Saturn are secondary determinants of professional matters. Mercury, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Jupiter acts as a Sun-like planet in this case.

The Moon is exalted but weak due to infancy and bad placement in the eighth house. The lord of the ascendant, Venus, is strongly placed on the most effective point of the fourth house and closely influences the tenth house. The lord of the fifth house is well placed in its own mooltrikona sign but weak due to combustion and closely influences the most effective point of the fifth, seventh, eleventh and second houses. The lord of the house of initiatives is placed in the seventh house. The lord of the house of income is placed in the fourth house and is under the influence of Rahu which indicates high-level income with high-level tensions and setbacks.

The good influences of Venus, Saturn and Jupiter took the native to his own business enterprise connected with the items pertaining to the planet Venus and conferred fabulous gains. However, during the sub-periods of the functional malefic planets, the native continued to confront problems from the state as the Sun is under the exact malefic influence of Rahu from the eighth house.


The sign Aries rises in the ascendant. The ascendant lord, Mars, becomes the prime determinant of professional matters as there is no mooltrikona sign in the tenth and second houses. Capricorn rises in the ascendant of dasamsa. No planet is in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. Mercury is a secondary determinant. Mercury, Rahu and Ketu act as functional malefic planets. Jupiter acts as a Sun-like planet.

Mars is badly placed in the twelfth house and weak. Jupiter acting like the Sun is well placed but weak due to infancy. The Sun is strong in the tenth house. The exalted lord of the house of gains, Saturn, closely influences the most effective points of the seventh, ninth, first and fourth houses. Venus is weak due to bad placement. The Moon is also weak as its dispositor is weak. The close influences on the professional matters are Mercury and Saturn. Mercury rules trading and the means of communications and the Saturn rules industrial units. The native owns a printing press and is doing good business.

During the sub-period of weak Jupiter in the main period of Rahu the native experienced stagnation and was afraid of the rising competition. The wearing of a Kavach for strengthening the weak planets and propitiatory remedial measures for warding off the evil influences of the functional malefic planets were advised. The performance of astrological remedial measures showed improvements.






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