Good financial gains are bestowed by the planets ruling affluence. These are the Sun, the Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Mars and Mercury. The participative houses are the first, eleventh, tenth, second, third, fifth and eighth. If these houses contain a mooltrikona sign and the affluent lords of these houses are strong, they bless good financial gains on the native. The lord of the eleventh house gives gains through the significations of the house in which it is placed. The strong lord of the house of status gives financial gains through high official status.
The strong lord of the fifth house gives gains through speculation and investments. The strong lord of the third house gives financial gains through the fields of communications, publications, business enterprises, marketing and creative work. The strong lord of the tenth house gives gains through the profession indicated by the planet/house concerned. The strong lord of the eighth house gives financial gains through inheritance, drawing of lots and games of chance.
Needless to add, the planets bestow their results during their operational periods when they are strong in transit, too.
The matter will be discussed further with the help of a few case studies for better comprehension.