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It is a fiery sign ruled by Mars, the significator of energy. This sign rules head (cranium and forehead) and brain. This sign rules pitta humor (bile) and makes the native born under this sign vulnerable to diseases resulting out of malfunctioning of bile. If Mars and Mercury are strong, the Arians enjoy good health. Otherwise, they have a sick constitution, suffer from wounds, headache, mental tension, fevers, short-temperedness, insomnia, diseases of impure blood, bilious diseases, inflammatory disorders, constipation, stammering, etc. Aries is the mooltrikona sign of Mars.
It is an earthy sign ruled by Venus. This sign rules face and its organs (nose, throat, mouth, teeth and eyes), neck, cervical region and bones, cerebellum and facial bones. This sign rules vata humor (acidity) and makes the native born under this sign vulnerable to diseases resulting out of acidity. If Venus, as lord of the sixth house, is strong the Taureans enjoy good health. Otherwise, they have a sick constitution, suffer from poor digestion, constipation, acidity, disorders of the throat, eyes, teeth, etc., and diseases mainly arising out of a weak venous system. Over-indulgence can be a cause for ill health.
It is an airy sign ruled by Mercury. This sign rules ears, lower neck, shoulders, arms, hands, respiratory and nervous systems, bronchial tubes, shoulder and collar bones, bones of arms and hands. This sign rules tri-dosha humor that is pitta, vata and kapha (bile, acidity and phlegm) and makes the native born under this sign vulnerable to diseases resulting out of imbalance of bile, acidity and phlegm. As both the ascendant and the sixth house do not contain a mooltrikona sign in case of the Gemini ascendant, the Sun, the significator for vitality, is considered as the prime determinant of health for Geminians. If the Sun is strong, they enjoy good health. Otherwise, Geminians have a sick constitution and suffer from tonsillitis, teeth problems, lung disorders, hypertension, headaches, congestion and respiratory diseases, asthma, imbalances in the nervous system, depression resulting in partial paralysis, stammering, shoulder pain, etc.
It is a watery sign, generally weak, ruled by the Moon. This sign rules the rib cage, chest, heart, lungs and breasts. This sign rules kapha humor (phlegm) and makes the native born under this sign vulnerable to diseases resulting out of imbalance of phlegm in the body. If the Moon and Jupiter are strong, the Cancerians enjoy good health. Otherwise, they have a sick constitution and unpleasant appearance and suffer from mental maladies, physical ailments of breast, chest, heart and epigastric region, lymphatic and circulatory congestion, jaundice and other liver complaints, etc. Under the Systems’ Approach, Cancer is treated as the mooltrikona sign of the Moon.
5. LEO:
It is a fiery sign ruled by the Sun. This sign rules upper belly, stomach, spine, spinal cord, back, liver, gall bladder, spleen and pancreas. This sign rules pitta humor (bile) and makes the native born under this sign vulnerable to diseases resulting out of malfunctioning of bile. If the Sun is strong, the Leos enjoy good health. Otherwise, they are vulnerable to the diseases of heart, spine, bones, spleen, pancreas, liver, stomach, weak digestion, fevers, etc., and lack stamina and will power. This is the mooltrikona sign of the Sun.
It is an earthy sign ruled by Mercury, the governor of nervous system. This sign rules the waist, abdominal umbilical region, nervous system, small intestine, upper part of large intestine, appendix and kidneys. This sign rules vata humor (acidity) and makes the native born under this sign vulnerable to diseases resulting out of acidity. If Mercury and Saturn are strong, the Virgos enjoy good health. Otherwise, they become hypochondriac and are vulnerable to overexertion, nervous breakdown, appendicitis, constipation, etc. This is the mooltrikona sign of Mercury.
It is an airy sign ruled by Venus. This sign rules lumbar region and lumbar bones, skin, lower part of large intestine, urinary bladder, and inner sexual organs such as ovaries, uterus, testicles and prostate gland. This sign rules tri-dosha humor that is pitta, vata and kapha (bile, acidity and phlegm) and makes the native born under this sign vulnerable to diseases resulting out of imbalance of bile, acidity and phlegm. If Venus is strong, the Libras enjoy good health. Otherwise, they are vulnerable to diseases connected with parts ruled by this sign, skin diseases, diabetes, venereal diseases, renal problems, urination problems, arthritis, gout pains, etc. This is the mooltrikona sign of Venus.
It is a watery sign ruled by Mars. This sign rules outer sexual organs, scrotum, rectum, anus and pelvic bones. This sign rules kapha humor (phlegm) and makes the native born under this sign vulnerable to diseases resulting out of imbalance of phlegm in the body. If Mars, as lord of the sixth house, is strong the Scorpios are well built and enjoy good health. Otherwise, they have a sick constitution and suffer from piles, fissure, urinary infections, boils, and operations, etc., in the parts ruled by Scorpio.
It is a fiery sign ruled by Jupiter. This sign rules hips and thighs, arterial system and nerves. This sign rules pitta humor (bile) and makes the native born under this sign vulnerable to diseases resulting out of malfunctioning of bile. If Jupiter is strong, the Sagittarians enjoy good health. Otherwise, they are vulnerable to anemia, poor digestion, flatulence, disorders of liver/gall bladder, jaundice, high fevers, diabetes, rheumatism and troubles in hips and thighs, etc. The native may also face troubles due to his tendency to overindulge in food and drink. This is the mooltrikona sign of Jupiter.
It is an earthy sign ruled by Saturn. This sign rules knees and kneecaps, skin, bones and joints. This sign rules vata humor (acidity) and makes the native born under this sign vulnerable to diseases resulting out of acidity. As both the ascendant and the sixth house do not contain a mooltrikona sign. the Sun, the significator for vitality, is considered as the prime determinant of health for Capricornians. If the Sun is strong, they enjoy good health. Otherwise, Capricornians have a sick constitution and suffer from joint pains/inflammation, arthritis, general weakness, emaciated body, skin diseases and allergies, etc. The native may also have troubles resulting from stress and nervous disorders.
It is an airy sign ruled by Saturn. This sign rules shanks, calves, ankles, shin bone, blood circulation, etc. This sign rules tri-dosha humor that is pitta, vata and kapha (bile, acidity and phlegm) and makes the native born under this sign vulnerable to diseases resulting out of imbalance of bile, acidity and phlegm. If Saturn and the Moon are strong, the Aquarians enjoy good health. Otherwise, they are susceptible to colds and infections, and suffer from fractures in lower legs, cancerous diseases and wounds, etc., in the parts ruled by Aquarius. Rheumatism and arthritis are also indicated with age. This is the mooltrikona sign of Saturn.
It is a watery sign ruled by Jupiter, the significator of fortune and knowledge. This sign rules feet and toes, lymphatic system, bones of the feet and toe. This sign rules kapha humor (phlegm) and makes the native born under this sign vulnerable to diseases resulting out of imbalance of phlegm in the body. If the Sun, as lord of the sixth house, is strong the Pisceans are healthy. Otherwise, they have a sick constitution, suffer from phlegm disorders, lung infections, gout pains, joint pains, and disorders related with blood circulation, lymphatic system, feet, toes, bones of the feet/toes, etc.