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"Impact of Ascending Signs : Capricorn"
Capricorn is an earthy sign ruled by Saturn, the significator of dutifulness and responsibility. Mars, the significator of energy and ambition, is exalted in this sign and Jupiter, the significator of fortune and knowledge, is debilitated. These factors render the people born in Capricorn ascendant ambitious, hardworking and generally selfish. It is the sign of practical realization. If Capricorn rises as the ascendant, the Ishta Devata would be Lord Vishnu. This sign rules knees and kneecaps, skin, bones and joints. As both the ascendant and the sixth house do not contain a mooltrikona sign then the Sun, the significator for vitality, would be considered as the prime determinant of health for people born in Capricorn ascendant. If the Sun is strong, they enjoy good health. Otherwise, people born in Capricorn ascendant have a sickly constitution and suffer from joint pains/inflammation, arthritis, general weakness, emaciated body, skin diseases and allergies, etc. The native may also have troubles resulting from over work and nervous disorders.
Capricorn is a moveable, negative, tamasic, vata, female, semi-fruitful and signifies tact, cheating, lethargy and melancholic nature if Saturn is weak in the nativity. Capricorn rising gives good looks if Saturn is strong. The aspect of benefic planets to the ascendant provides charm to the personality. The negative influences on weak Saturn, as lord of the second house, gives an appearance of a person advanced in age, sunken eyes, wrinkled body, etc. The first half of Capricorn is watery and the second half is earthy. Depending on the influences on the ascendant, the sign Capricorn usually combines diligence and commitment with flexibility and adaptability and renders their natives traditional, level-headed, cautious, thrifty, conservative, methodical, social, practical, with organizing ability, faithful, prudent, protective, dependable and persevering or selfish, rigid and resentful.
Apart from Rahu and Ketu, the Sun and Jupiter also become functional malefic planets for this ascendant. Saturn, Mars, the Moon, Mercury and Venus are functional benefic planets for people born in Capricorn ascendant. Saturn and Mercury act as Sun-like planets. Transit Saturn is not inauspicious in any of the benefic houses. Natal Mars in the first, second, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house does not make them Manglik. The so called Budhaditya Yoga i.e. combination of the Sun and Mercury signifying extra-ordinary intelligence, does not show positive results for the native. A person born in Capricorn ascendant, with deep combust Mercury means that Mercury forms close conjunction with the functional malefic planet, the Sun, and gets afflicted. Such natives are not sharp and are impulsive besides giving general setbacks in life. The significator for the soul, the Sun and significator for morality and generosity, Jupiter, are functional malefic planets for people born in Capricorn ascendant. The strong Sun and Jupiter ensure a happy and harmonious married life and they prefer enjoying a comfortable life. The people born in Capricorn ascendant are clubbable as Venus rules their tenth house. They are conservative but selfish and selective in approach. They are secretive, pensive, proud and fastidious. They are vigilant and tactful. They have compromising nature in order to achieve leadership. As stated earlier, the major stress area is the ninth house, where mooltrikona sign of weakness prone Mercury falls. The sign Libra plays a major role in the life of the people born in Capricorn ascendant, as their professional success is dependant on the good strength of Venus.
Although the scenario is dependent upon the overall configurations of the chart and operating major periods of planets, the strength of individual planets does signify trends in life to a large extent. A strong Saturn blesses the people born in Capricorn ascendant with wealth, status and happy relationships. Depending upon the strength of the planets, people born in Capricorn ascendant are born to rich and well-placed parents, get good inheritance, have pleasant temperament and are emotional in the matter of partnership if the planets Mars and an unafflicting Sun are strong in the natal chart. A strong Mars works as an asset. The Mars, whose mooltrikona sign falls in the fourth house, is an anchor sheet of life for the people born in Capricorn ascendant because the fourth house has dynamic configurations. In infancy, it rules in particular the happiness from mother. In childhood, it rules education. In the grown-up stage of life, it rules assets, passionate married life and marital harmony, vehicles and comforts in life. A strong Mars, being lord of the fourth house of people born in Capricorn ascendant, blesses the dynamic configurations of the fourth house with affluence, while a weak and/or afflicted Mars ruins/disturbs the significations of the fourth house in particular. A strong Moon blesses them with good spouse and sound partners in business, vitality, comforts and good life in foreign lands, and assures happy married life and rich parents-in-law. The major stress area is the fluctuating status of the father and their own fortune as Mercury, the planet of fluctuations, rules the ninth house of the people born in Capricorn ascendant. Strong Mercury blesses them with good fortune, wealthy father, good preceptor, religion, pilgrimages, long journeys of short duration and comfortable life in foreign lands. A strong Venus blesses them with professional happiness, business acumen and fame. A strong and unafflicting Jupiter blesses the people born in Capricorn ascendant with comforts, mental peace and good life in foreign lands. They long for leadership, political power, practice of law and business. Their major pursuits in life include acquisition of assets, partnerships and social contacts for personal benefits. In the case of matters signified by houses containing non-mooltrikona signs of planets, suffering and/or tragic happenings only take place if one or several of the functional malefic planets, the Sun, Jupiter, Rahu and/or Ketu, exert their close influence on the most effective points of the said houses, and the significators of these houses are weak.
Exalted, strong and unafflicting Sun blesses the people born in Capricorn ascendant with good inheritance, well-placed parents and status with government. An exalted and strong Moon blesses them with happy marriage if Saturn and Mars are strong, too. An exalted and strong Mars blesses them with good financial position, good health, business enterprises, good real-estates and executive authority. Exalted and strong Mercury blesses them with good fortune, long-lived father, business acumen and sharp intellect. Exalted, strong and unafflicting Jupiter blesses them with comforts, advisory roles, foreign residence, success in foreign lands, etc. An exalted and strong Venus blesses them with comforts, happy marital relationship, affluence, successful professional ventures and artistic way of life. An exalted and strong Saturn blesses them with successful business ventures, good assets, servants, position with state authority and good financial gains. Similarly, are to be read the results of the planets when they are in their signs of debilitation causing deterioration in the aspects signified by the weak planets. However, the significations likely to be promoted when the planets are exalted get a setback when the concerned planets are weak.
Close conjunction/aspect of functional malefic planet, Jupiter, with weak natal positions generates losses and expenses connected with those weak and afflicted natal positions. While a strong Sun blesses the people born in Capricorn ascendant with good inheritance, its close conjunction/aspect with weak natal positions cause obstructions, accidents and violent end to the significations ruled by those weak and afflicted natal positions. The close conjunction/aspect of the Sun in the natal chart with the Moon ruins the marital life of the the people born in Capricorn ascendant if both Saturn and Mars are not strong. The marriage is delayed and the spouse is vulnerable to short life span. The close conjunction/aspect of the Sun in the natal chart with Saturn spoil the relationships badly while denying the birth of a male child specially if Rahu causes some strong affliction in the natal chart to Venus and/or the Moon and Saturn. It causes loss of wealth as well. The close conjunction/aspect of the Sun in the natal chart with weak Mars causes early death of the spouse and loss of assets. The close conjunction of the Sun in the natal chart with Mercury reduces the longevity of the father besides causing numerous setbacks in life. The close conjunction of the Sun in the natal chart with Venus causes persistent professional setbacks, arthritis, business losses and troubling wife to male natives. The close conjunction/aspect of the Sun in the natal chart with Jupiter curtails the life span, the longevity of marital relationship and causes loss of inheritance. The close conjunction of the Sun with Rahu or Ketu makes the person vulnerable to accidents, heart problems, weak digestive functioning, cancerous diseases, relationships out of marital bond, sexually transmitted diseases, gambling tendencies and loss of ancestral wealth.
Shining black, white, silver, all shades of blue, green, red bright brown and variegated colours.
Steel grey, dull smoke grey, orange, pink, yellow and faded colours.
Blue sapphire, red coral, pearl, emerald, and diamond.
Gomedh, cat's eye, ruby and yellow sapphire.
Weak and afflicted Planets |
Effects |
Short life if Jupiter,
too, is in similar position, lack of inheritance, trouble to father and loss in speculation. |
Inharmonious relationship
with spouse, loss of mental peace, difficulty in acquisition
of immovable property and lack of domestic
happiness if Mars, too, is weak and
afflicted. |
Loss/lack of assets,
disturbance in education, setbacks in life, lethargic. |
Poor parents, average
life, constipation, nervousness. |
Medium life span, loss of
bed comforts, weak liver. |
Losses in business, static
career, lack of job satisfaction, less remuneration ventures,
weak renal functions. |
Ordinary or deteriorating
status, loss of happiness in marriage, loss of wealth. |
Depending upon the strength of Venus, the Sun and Saturn, the people born in Capricorn ascendant become businessmen, agriculturists, lawyers, leaders, politicians, etc. They are careful with their money. The influence of other planets on the tenth, first or second houses changes the professional pursuits.
Every year during the months of June and July when transit Mercury, Venus and the Sun generally transit the sign Gemini the native becomes vulnerable to health problems, disputes and financial constraints. Similarly, the transit planets in Leo cause obstructions while the transit planets in the sign Sagittarius cause additional expenses and problems in journeys/distant places.
When the slow moving planets Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu transit in the sign Gemini, they make the persons born in Capricorn ascendant vulnerable to health problems, disputes and setbacks. When these slow moving planets transit in the sign Leo they cause setbacks, obstructions and difficulties to father and the sources of income. When these slow moving planets transit in the sign Sagittarius they may cause loss of income, additional expenses, problems with law and setbacks. In such situations one should strengthen Saturn and continuously propitiate Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu.
The slow moving planets Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu near the most effective point of any house cause serious stress. The slow moving planet Saturn near the most effective point of any benefic house brings happy events concerning the house transited and the houses aspected.
With this background in view, we shall now take up a few case studies for further understanding.
Male born 10th May, 1951, 0010 Hrs. 78E18 29N00 India.
Here to See Chart)
The functional malefic planet Jupiter is close to the most effective point of the third house, closely afflicting the third, seventh, ninth and eleventh houses. The lord of the fourth house, Mars, is weak as it is combust and in the state of old-age. Being closely afflicted by the functional malefic planets, the Sun and Ketu, Mars becomes additionally weak. The Sun, being weak, is also afflicted by the close aspect of Ketu from the eighth house. The functional benefic planets, Venus and the Moon, are weak as they are badly placed in the sixth house ruling disputes and debts. The Moon is also debilitated in navamsa. The functional benefic Mercury is weak due to weakness of dispositor but placed very close to the most effective point of the fourth house. The lord of the house of wealth and status, Saturn, is weak as it is placed in the house of fortune in the state of infancy and its dispositor is weak.
The native, whose parents had limited resources, started his career as a clerk with remote chances of growth in career. His wife remains ill. The native could construct his own house at a very late stage. Rather, due to severe afflictions to weak fourth lord, Mars, he wasted his paltry savings in speculation. Saturn, as lord of the house of status, rules the subordinate services, when weak. The close conjunction of Venus and the Moon is auspicious but has limitations to bestow good results due to bad placement.
Female born 5th June, 1965, 2325 Hrs. New Delhi, India.
Here to See Chart)
The lord of the second house ruling family, wealth and status is strong and is placed close to the most effective point of the second house. The functional malefic planet, the Sun, is closely conjunct with other malefic planets, Jupiter and Rahu. Both Jupiter and Mercury are combust. The weakness of Mars and the Moon due to bad placement and close afflictions to the dispositor Sun and the weakness of Jupiter due to combustion caused selfishness of the spouse, meager wealth and no personal status for the lady despite the strength of Saturn in the birth chart. From the very young age of 21 years when she entered the main period of the afflicted Sun, the native started suffering from high blood pressure and had to undergo surgery. The most malefic planet, the Sun, is close to the most effective point of the fifth house causing emotional setbacks, lack of male child and mental peace. The lord of the tenth house is weak due to placement in the sixth house. The functional benefic planets, the Moon and Mars, are badly placed in the eighth house. The native suffered prolonged mental unrest on account of careless attitude of her husband. The domestic life had been far from satisfactory, but continues, due to the close conjunction of the lord of the second house to the most effective point of the second house. The weakness and affliction of Mercury shows the worried status of father and nerve wrecking fortune.
Male born 5th September, 1960, 1643 Hrs. New Delhi, India.
Here to See Chart)
The lord of fortune, Mercury is combust, badly placed and closely afflicted by functional malefic planets, Rahu and Ketu. The lord of the seventh house, the Moon, is weak due to weakness of its dispositor and it is afflicted by the most malefic planet, the Sun, Rahu and Ketu. The lord of the fourth house, Mars, is weak as it is in the state of old-age. While Saturn, ruling the second house, is weak due to being badly placed and weak dispositor in the house of losses, Venus, the tenth lord is weak due to being debilitated and its dispositor is weak and afflicted. Saturn is additionally weak as it is closely afflicted by the afflicted Rahu from the eighth house.
The weak planetary influences and affliction to the planets ruling marriage and family life gave him birth in a poor family, a short-lived marital alliance, non-officer cadre job and loss of mental happiness. The native was married in December, 1986, and his wife deserted him in April, 1987. Thereafter he had to languish in courts to get a divorce. He could get divorce after a prolonged suffering. The native was first married in the sub-period of Venus in the main period of Saturn. With the help of the astral remedies the native remarried in the sub-period of Mars in the main period of Saturn.
Female born 10th July, 1935. (Click
Here to See Chart)
The native was born in the main period of Rahu placed in the twelfth house. The next main period was of another functional malefic planet, Jupiter, indicating unfavorable conditions in life, in the early and career building years. The Sun, lord of the house of marital tie, is placed in the sixth house and suffers from close affliction through aspect of functional malefic planet, Jupiter indicating persistent conflicts in relationship matters. The strong lord of the second house, however, indicate continued marital relationship. Affliction to the Sun gave loss of vitality and number of physical ailments to the native. The lord of the house of fortune is badly placed in the sixth house, which gave persistent setbacks in life. The bad placement of the lord of the tenth house compelled the native to work in unhappy situations. During the main period of badly placed Mercury and sub-period of Ketu, which is badly placed in the twelfth house, the son of the native was involved in a framed criminal case. The bad placement of the next sub-period lord, Venus, could not bring the native out of the legal case started in the main period and sub-period of planets placed in the sixth house. It was only in the sub-period of the Moon, which is well-placed, that the son of the native could get himself cleared of the charges.
Male born 26th March, 1963, 0424 Hrs. New Delhi, India.
Here to See Chart)
The most effective point of the ascendant is having close conjunction of fairly strong Saturn, whose mooltrikona sign falls in the second house. The functional malefic planet, the Sun, is placed in the third house but debilitated in navamsa. The Moon is combust and weak. Mercury is combust, debilitated and closely afflicted by Jupiter and Rahu. Jupiter is combust, in the state of infancy and exactly afflicted by Rahu. The lord of the house of profession, Venus, is placed in the house of status but is weak as it is in infancy and its dispositor is weak. The lord of the house of parents and assets, Mars, is weak as it is debilitated and its dispositor is weak.
Venus and Saturn have given him the profession of a lawyer, but due to the weakness of Venus and other afflictions in the birth chart, the practice is not remunerative. The affliction of Jupiter by Rahu has turned the native towards vices. Debilitated Mars has given deteriorating assets, but supportive attitude of the parents within the possible means. Severe affliction and weakness of Mercury and weakness of the Moon have given rise to many setbacks in life, including unsatisfactory marital life. The close influence of Saturn to the ascendant is an important helping factor.
Female born 29th March, 1949, 0400 Hrs. 78E30 29N18, India.
Here to See Chart)
The lord of the second house, badly placed in the eighth house, is afflicted by the aspect of Rahu. The functional malefic planet, debilitated Jupiter, is not forming any close conjunction/aspect in the natal chart. Another functional malefic planet, the Sun, is closely afflicting the combust Mars. Besides being combust, Venus is debilitated in navamsa. The lord of the house of fortune is debilitated and is in the state of extreme infancy. Venus, though afflicted and weak, is exalted and involved in an auspicious conjunction with functional benefic planets, the Moon and Mars. The placement of the planets in the third house makes many positive and negative contributions. The bad placement of second lord shows the status of resources. Mercury's period kept the position almost at the same level. In Ketu's period, the native took up work as an interior decorator. Ketu does not form any close conjunction/aspect in the chart. The tenth lord is exalted in rasi and debilitated in navamsa. Such a Venus gave the profession of an interior decorator, but could not give affluent income in the same. In her middle age, the native enjoyed the main period of a somewhat auspicious and yogakaraka Venus. At birth, the eighth and twelfth lords are not afflicted, and there is no mooltrikona sign rising in the ascendant. In spite of the setbacks due to unwanted malefic transit over weak natal planets, the native is likely to live up to the main period of the Sun, the lord of the eighth house. However, the native has to lead an austere life.
Suggested Astral Remedies for Capricorn Ascendant
effective remedial measures for warding off evils and generating good results in life for
1. Render service to parents/ parents in law,
preceptor and aged and needy persons.
2. Observe law of the land
3. Wear a KAVACH (protecting disc
of mystical numbers) prepared on a silver disc as per design below, in a black colored
thread or a gold chain around the neck with numbers to be engraved in an auspicious time.
(Click Here to See the