The fifth house rules progeny matters, learning, emotions, good
deeds and auspicious celebrations amongst other things. Progeny, emotions and learning are major
significations of this house. Jupiter is
the significator for progeny and learning while the Sun is the secondary
significator. Emotions are signified by
the planet Moon in addition to the fifth house.
An additional significator for learning and application of acquired
knowledge is the planet Mercury.
Small family norm is the order of the day, especially in India. Consequent
upon this social change, all rules of classical texts regarding number of
issues etc. have become inapplicable. Still
a majority of people in India and many other countries of the world like
to have at least one male issue. This is
also necessary for continuance of the society.
Apart from having both male and female children, happiness derived
from male progeny is the next question.
There are numerous combinations regarding the birth of a son or happiness
there from. Generally, the strength of
Jupiter, the significator for male progeny, the fifth, second and tenth houses
and their lords together with the operation of suitable sub-periods bless the
native with happiness. The Sun is the secondary
significator for the birth of a male child.
The planets connected with the ascendant in the sapthamsa, the
divisional chart for analyzing the progeny matters, when auspiciously placed, promote the matters of
progeny. While the male planets so
connected occupying male signs bless the native with male progeny, the female
planets bless with female progeny. The
effects of planets by occupation of a sign of sex other than their own also get
changed. The strong lords of the fifth
and second houses and the significators assure both birth and happiness of
children whereas weakness and affliction signifies denial, grief and death of
children. For example, any prolonged triple
transit triggering influence of Rahu, Ketu or other functional malefic planet
over the weak fifth lord and/or the weak second lord and/or Jupiter and/or the Sun,
depending upon the natal strength of the planet under affliction, may cause
suffering on account of loss of a son, running away of a son from home, son
going astray, etc. For birth of a male
child and its long life we consider the strength of the fifth house and of the
second house, especially in cases where there is no mooltrikona sign in the fifth house. The second house signifies continuance of the
family line. Happiness from male
progeny is seen from the tenth house. The
influence of the functional malefic planets on the tenth house can make the
person cruel and/or selfish which results in suffering to the male children or
denial of a male child thereby reducing happiness to the native on account of
male progeny.
The influence of functional benefic planets on the most effective
points of the tenth house counteracts the impact of malefic planets and increases
the happiness through male progeny.
The lord of the fifth house by way of its placement also indicates
the areas of emotional attachment. If it
is influenced by the Moon a person becomes highly emotional. The fifth lord's exchange of place or association with the
lord of the seventh house may involve the person in love affairs culminating in
marriage especially when the combination is energized with the association of
Mars or Rahu. Such a combination also
indicates extra marital relations in the mutual main/sub-periods of the fifth
lord and Mars/Rahu. Restraint, if at
all, is only provided by a powerful Jupiter.
The fifth house rules learning.
In case there is no mooltrikona sign in the fifth house, then the second
house containing a mooltrikona sign is considered for identifying learning. The planets exert influence over the native
with regard to their significations. The
Sun and Jupiter if connected powerfully, turn the native to spiritual advancement. Mercury makes one a research scholar and
blesses the native with analytical powers resulting in fruitful contributions
to the society by way of innovations/professional services. Venus, when strong, indicates the
inclinations for creativity and writing especially if being the lord of the fifth
house it is placed in the third house ruling communications. The Moon indicates emotional attachment and
pursuit of royal comforts. Dreams are
fulfilled if the significators are strong and the favorable planets operate at
appropriate times in life.
Further analysis may come during the course of illustrations of
case studies.
CHART 39: Female born 25th March, 1958, 1130Hrs. 77E13, 28N39, India.

In this chart Rahu and Ketu are very close to the most effective
point of the houses of their location and afflict the houses occupied and
aspected. They also make the planets Saturn, Mars, Sun, Jupiter and Venus weak
through the close aspect affliction to their moolatrikona
sign houses.
The lord of the seventh house in close conjunction with Rahu is
placed in the fifth house. The lord of
the fourth house is debilitated both in rasi and navamsa charts. Saturn and the Sun are debilitated in navamsa. The influence of Rahu on the seventh lord in
the fifth house, fifth house and placement of the fifth lord in the eighth
house made the native highly passionate hankering after physical gratifications
and it resulted into an emotional-cum-physical relationship with an out of
caste boy. The native insisted in
marrying her paramour against all friendly and parental advice. The relationship dates back to Rahu's main period and Saturn's sub-period.
The weakness of the planets and affliction to Jupiter inflicted
miseries in the married life. Firstly
the native kept herself involved in a love affair for quite a long time and
then during the Venus sub-period of a Rahu main period she had to go in for a
marriage against all odds. The customs of the family of the bridegroom were just
the reverse to the customs of the family of the native. Rahu afflicted the significator for
intelligence, Jupiter. The planet of
discrimination, Mercury did not allow the native to think objectively and agree
to the advice of elders due to its debilitation both in the rasi and navamsa
charts. The position of Jupiter, the
Moon and Venus did not show chances of happiness from both husband and male
CHART 40: Male born 4th October, 1945, 1945 Hrs. 76E46, 30N23, India.

The most effective point of the fifth house is closely influenced
by the functional benefic planet, Venus.
The lord of the fifth house, the Sun, who becomes prime determinant for
male progeny in this case, is placed in the sixth house. The significator for the male progeny and
intelligence, Jupiter, is also placed in the sixth house in a state of
combustion. Mercury is combust and weak. Both the Sun and Jupiter are within five
degrees of the functional malefic Mercury and are afflicted. Virgo rises in the sapthamsa ascendant whose
lord Mercury is weak. Collectively the
planetary positions show lack of happiness from male progeny. The native does have a male child but instead
of any happiness he is a cause of utter unhappiness for the native. His son left home and returned after months. He left his studies at high school level. The business started by the native for the
son also resulted into a loss. Even the
daughter of the native was a source of unhappiness, whose in-laws created
problems time and again. The native is
highly emotional. The placement of Mars
close to the most effective point of the third house has made the native highly
active and enterprising. Mars closely
influences Mercury in the sixth house, and the most
effective point of the ninth house and the tenth house. The influence of Mars on tenth house made the
native an engineer.
Saturn is weak due to utter infancy. Saturn rules the house of income and is
placed in the house of happiness but its weakness in its sub-period in the main
period of Jupiter gave him sorrows due to transit afflictions.
CHART 41: Male born 10th February, 1954, 0515 Hrs. 77E10, 28N37, India.

The fifth house is closely afflicted by the most malefic planet,
the Moon. The fifth lord being the prime
determinant of progeny and learning is in the twelfth house. Jupiter, the significator for male progeny
and intelligence, is placed in the sixth house and rendered weak. Venus is weak as it is combust and in extreme
infancy. The wife of the native did not
conceive even once as the lord of the house of obstructions, the Moon, is
occupying the fifth house, the significator Jupiter is in the sixth house and the lord of
the fifth house is in the house of losses.
The native received a very severe emotional setback due to this. No mooltrikona sign rises in the ascendant of
the sapthamsa. The fifth lord of the
rasi chart occupies the second house in sapthamsa. Jupiter, the significator for male progeny (putrakaraka), is in the twelfth house in the sapthamsa.
CHART 42: Male born 24th December, 1958, 0800 Hrs. 72E50, 18N58, India.

The fifth house is occupied by its lord, which is strong and
closely influences the most effective point of the fifth house. Mercury, the tenth lord, and significator of
discriminatory and analytical powers occupies the twelfth house. The ascendant is occupied by the lords of
fortune, eleventh and the third houses. Venus
closely influences the most effective point of the ascendant. The native is very intelligent and mentally
agile. Due to strong lord of the fifth
house, he went for higher studies and acquired a degree of M. Tech. He occupies a senior position in the Govt.
executive cadre. The planets in the
ascendant become weak due to the dispositor, Jupiter, being in the old age. The conjunction of the Sun and Saturn is good
as both are functional benefic planets and are well placed. But resultant combustion of Saturn makes it more
vulnerable to triple transit afflictions.
Venus is well placed in the main chart but weak as it is debilitated in the
Badly placed Mercury, the tenth lord is under the severe affliction
of the functional malefic planet, the Moon. This denies the happiness from a
male child.
The native was married in 1986 during Rahu/Venus. The marriage was solemnized in the end of
Venus's sub-period as it is in its sign of
debilitation in the navamsa. After his marriage the native could not be blessed
with a child up to the 36th year of age when he sought astral help. Jupiter is in mritavastha
or extreme old age. The sub-period of
Venus blessed the native with a female child.
Remedial measures were suggested to the native, the performance of which
helped. The regularity and performance
of remedial measures with weak Jupiter becomes, somewhat, difficult and their
performance cannot be predicted with certainty.
CHART 43: Male born 18th September, 1951, 0915 Hrs. 77E13, 28N39, India.

The most effective point of the fifth house and Venus are closely
afflicted by the most malefic planet, Mercury.
The fifth lord is weak due to affliction to its mooltrikona house, combustion,
bad placement, debilitated in the navamsa and it has a weak dispositor.
The significator for male progeny, Jupiter, is in the sixth house. The secondary significator for male progeny,
the Sun, is also badly placed and in infancy in the twelfth house. Mercury is closely afflicted by the Rahu-Ketu
axis. The fifth house and the fifth part
of the body, namely the stomach are weak and afflicted. Due to the utter weakness of the fifth lord
and affliction and aspects of the lord of the twelfth house, all the significations of
the fifth house were marred. Intelligence
failed and native took wrong decisions in life.
The native suffered from stomach ailments for a long period running in
years and died at the young age of 35 after prolonged hospitalization. The native was not blessed with a son. The involvement of Rahu with the fifth house
did not allow the disease to be diagnosed and all treatment was based on
presumptions. After remedial measures
for Rahu, the disease was diagnosed and the native was operated upon. He recovered from illness but due to lack of
intelligence did not continue performance of remedial measures to save himself
from the afflictions to the fifth house.
In D-VI, the divisional chart for the sixth house, both the Sun and
Jupiter are in their signs of debilitation.
CHART 44: Male born 6th May, 1950, 0400 Hrs. 76E26, 31N19, India.

The fifth house is ruled by the Moon which is placed in the tenth
house. The fifth house is closely aspected by Rahu. Jupiter, the significator for male progeny,
is placed in the house of losses and occupies its sign of debilitation in the
navamsa. The Sun, the secondary
significator for male progeny, is also weak due to occupation in its sign of
debilitation in the navamsa. The lord of
the second house is in the old age and badly placed. The functional malefic Sun is on the most
effective point of the second house ruling the continuance of the family line.
The functional malefic planet Saturn afflicts the most effective points of the
houses occupied and aspected. The afflictions caused by the Sun and Rahu and the
operation of the unfavorable sub/main period did not bless the native with a
No mooltrikona sign rises in the sapthamsa. The native was married in 1977 in the main period of the Moon and Rahu
sub-period. The whole main period of the
Moon, the main period of Mars and Rahu's sub-period in its own main period could
not bless the native with a child.
The placement of the lord of the fifth house in the tenth house
indicates mental avocation. The native
is an engineer by profession. The
placement of the lord of the eighth house in the ascendant in his sign of
exaltation has blessed the native with good inheritance. Rahu's main period, which is badly placed and occupies
the sign of debilitation in the navamsa chart, and afflicts the seventh house
of the rasi chart caused strains in marital happiness due to the physical and
mental ill-health of the wife of the native.
CHART 45: Male born 26th September, 1936, 1045 Hrs. 77E10, 31N06, India.

The lord of the house of fortune is strongly placed in the third
house and causes exact benefic influence on the third and ninth houses. The
lord of the second house is occupying the ascendant and is closely aspected by the functional benefic planet, Saturn. Due to the strong Moon and placement of
Jupiter in the ascendant, the native acquired post-graduation in a medicine
course. The fifth house is closely aspected by the functional malefic Mars. Mercury, though combust, yet due to
occupation of its exaltation sign and being in young age retains some power. Mars closely influences the
houses occupied and aspected making the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn weak. Rahu is closely conjunct with the most
effective point of the second house and closely aspects and afflicts Mars.
The strong Moon and well placed Jupiter blessed the native with
good status and wealth. Ketu is in close
conjunction with the most effective point of the eighth house ruling marital
tie. Similarly, Rahu is conjunct with
the most effective point of the house of family. Ketu and Mars are closely aspecting the house of domestic happiness. The navamsa ascendant and its lord are being
afflicted by Mars. These combinations
have kept the native unmarried in spite of all the material comforts as well as
physical health at his command. The
placement of Venus and the Moon on the most effective points of the twelfth and
third houses, respectively, indicate good financial gains from foreign stay. Rahu's sub-period in the main period of Jupiter
took the native to a foreign country in connection with his job. The Saturn's sub-period in its main period took him to
the investments in properties. The
significator for emotions is sitting in the house of younger siblings with whom
he has a significant attachment.
CHART 46: Male born 22nd January, 1964, 1500 Hrs. 77E13, 28N39, India.

The lord of the fifth house is placed in the ninth house in the
sign Aquarius. The dispositor of the lord of the fifth house is
badly placed and is in old age. The
significator for intelligence and male progeny occupies the tenth house in
strength. Mercury occupies the seventh
house, in strength. The Moon, the lord
of the second house, is well placed in the chart. The native is quite intelligent and took up
an engineering degree course in one of the premium institutions of the country. The strong lord of the seventh house in the
tenth house and the strong lord of the fourth house in the seventh house indicate
living and earnings from a foreign land connected with authoritative
assignments. The native got a foreign assignment while working as a manager in
the public sector. The main period of the Moon from September, 1991, conferred
high status and marriage. The Moon's period also revolutionized the emotional
part of the life. The native has been
blessed with a daughter and a son.