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INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF SA ASTROLOGERS 2011 - GURGAON, (INDIA)", Astrologers & Authors, V K Choudhry & K Rajesh Chaudhary" advises Jyotish Remedies, Gurgaon Astrologer, Astral Remedies form Gurgaon Astrologer, Astrologers in Gurgaon, V. K. Choudhry & K Rajesh Chaudhary Ph: 91-9811016333 & 91-9899417444.""Career Report", Indian Vedic Astrologer" guides on professional problems, "Jyotish Remedies" for career problems, "Kavach" for career problems, Special purpose kavach for career problems.
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Proceedings of the Sixth SA Intl Conf[Mar 12th, 13th , 2011], at Gurgaon, India:

PART III-B:Fore-Noon Session on the Second Day [March 13th ]:

Dr Johnathan Miller’s Presentation in Medical Astrology: ‘Mercury and The Pandemic of Auto-Immune Disease’& Healing Through The SA Remedial Measures’:

“Medical science is showing that the body regulates itself through the bi-directional communication of the brain-gut (/immune/endocrine) axis. It is now in the present environment more than ever subject to perturbation. I propose that, while the whole chart has a bearing, Mercury is a fundamental significator of this bi-directional communication.

Some Other CSs, were also presented by other Delegates:

Dr Jonathan Miller started out pointedly, by ascribing to Me, a ‘role’ as significator of ‘Neuro-Immune Regulation’, that broadly covered ‘the communication’ between the human body[more generally any organism]and the environment. This was certainly ‘some new signification’ of Me, that is being freshly invoked; for we know in the SA that, while Me, governs the nervous system [and is also the significator of the VIH of health and nervous strength], we did not hear something like this-but his theme was certainly thought provoking for the delegates.

By placing his CSs [which will follow soon] in a proper context, and prefacing them with the below mentioned introductory remarks, he riveted the attention of the delegates on certain new fundamentals regarding health matters. Firstly, he observed that his clinical studies provided him an opportunity for the empirical verification of SA principles [He went on to explain, later, how one was to achieve this, through his clinical studies].

Dr Miller reminded us that in traditional Vedic Astrology [VA], though there are indeed techniques, which can appear ‘seductive, in their conceptual beauty’ [his words], yet when it comes to their empirical validation, they are unable to stand the tests of verification. Secondly, that in his clinical studies, he had ascertained that the SA principles, could be repeatedly applied, and threw reliable additional light on the maladies suffered by his patients. Thirdly[if I perceived Dr Miller correctly], he expressed sincere gratitude to Professor Choudhry for the enormous intellectual courage, the Professor had shown in addressing all existing weaknesses and contradictions in traditional Vedic Astrology, and through that, created a new System [the SA], that will not only infallibly stand up to every kind of empirical verification, but also propose effective Remedial Measures, that are powerful enough to alter the planetary weaknesses and afflictions, already present in the Natal Charts. All of these were significant introductory remarks.

Then Dr Miller narrated an anecdotal event, from the lore of ‘Tibetan Buddhism’, it was serious in tenor and went something like this. Roughly around 1000AD, an illustrious Buddhist Master from India [was it Padma Sambhava?] had gone to Tibet, taking the Buddhist Teachings, and when some 84 Maha Siddhas, with “super mundane accomplishments”, sought a Satsang with this newly arrived Buddhist Master; the latter was utterly silent during all the learned discussions, so the Maha Siddhas, naturally put the question to him, as to why he was so uncommunicative and silent? Hearing this Q, that Buddhist Master of ripe wisdom spoke these few words: “To relieve the distress of others, this Mouna is the only real Siddhi [‘Mouna’= ‘Attention’= ‘Awareness’], not any other Siddhi.” Dr Miller seems to have made a reference to this, because[in his mind], this highest Siddhi of Silence [Mouna], which was upheld by the Buddhist Master, probably corresponded to the ‘Sensitivity to human sufferings in the SA, from which Sensitivity also arose, the Remedial Measures in the SA, for the mitigation of such sufferings of others’.

An additional parallel was also drawn, between ‘the spirit and rigor’ of Buddhist Teachings and ‘the spirit and rigor’ of Astrological Teachings given by the Professor [in the form of the SA]. In that, in likeness to the implied spirit of Buddhist Teachings: “Test the Teachings in your daily life and only then Accept these Teachings, i.e.; if you have found them to describe the reality of your life, correctly”; here too in the SA, Dr Miller remarked, the recommendation of “Testing the Teachings and only subsequently Accepting”, is fully applicable. At this juncture, I feel impelled to add that Dr Jonathan Miller is placed in a fortunate position of being at home both in the SA, as well as in the ‘logical rigor’ of Buddhist Teachings, from which vantage point, he seems to have drawn this interesting and sensible parallel.

Taking a survey across the whole of the US, Dr Miller made the important observation, that one recurring major problem in the life of almost every patient, was the malfunctioning of the Immune System, in this particular modern age of ours [he must be saluted for his three decades of clinical practice through many widely different Therapeutic and Healing Systems]. Pointing to Cardio Vascular diseases, in particular, he stressed that ‘heart-attacks’ were not certainly some mechanical breakdown of the organ, the heart; rather, starting firstly with Inflammatory Damage, there occurred the consequent breakdown of the Auto Immune System. In his view, as Me governed Neuro-Immune regulation, and as the Intestinal Environment connected one to the ‘External World’, the VIH in any Chart, was central to health, as the Intestines come under the sphere of the VIH.

Every age, he pointed out, comes to have its own unique patterns in human society - be it in the professions, in social life, in health matters, etc. Citing the avocation of being a ‘Helicopter Pilot’, as a typical example of a modern profession that ‘makes sense’ only in this modern age alone, and not, for example in an earlier society, 300 years ago; he succeeded in driving home the point that in our age, as our bodies are being continuously bombarded by a shower of industrially produced chemicals, to which our bodies cannot possibly adapt, so expeditiously; ultimately toxins come in and bind with the molecular structures in our tissues. He also pointed out that even the genetic constitution of vegetables and plants, ought to have already undergone a change-thereby emphasizing that, our modern age has landed us in problems, peculiar to this age. He ought to have implied by this, for such ‘modern problems’ which never existed in the bygone centuries, the solutions must also necessarily be ‘commensurately modern’ only. No one can take objection to these observations and one was glad, that one was reminded of so grave a crisis, in which though we are all engulfed, yet, we are not sufficiently aware of the massive repercussions for health. With these pertinent observations, he moved to his CSs.

CS#1: [7th Dec, 1955, 0:40Mts, Encino, USA, (118ºW30?, 34ºN10?), TZ=PST (8Hrs)].

This is a Virgo Asdt Chart, with the MEP at 4º06?. The Asdt Lord was Me, had the weakness of combustion to the extent of 90%, but, this was nothing, compared to the ‘exact’ affliction from three FMs, the Su, Deb Ra, and Deb Ke. Sa, ruling the VIH, was also weak, as Sa, caused an almost exact affliction to the IIIH, VH, IXH & the XIIH. In the SA, Me and Sa are the PDs of health, for a Virgo Asdt.[Pg 29, See, ‘Manage your Health through Preventive Astral Remedies’, Prof V K Choudhry, K Rajesh Chaudhary, 1997].

Dr Miller drew our attention to a correlation between this afflicted Me, on the one hand, and ‘Reactivity of the Immune System’ on the other. So, the individual’s health was very bad, understandably-there was chronic abdominal pain [SA says: Abdomen is ruled by the fifth house and Me signifies the intestines too, being the significator of the VIH in Medical Astrology].He added that this patient’s main problem was an allergy to all foods-any food going into the intestines, was exactly like throwing Kerosene on an already burning fire-this manifested as chronic and intense abdominal pain.

Now after the diagnosis came the more important question of ‘what line of treatment, and more generally, how to take the next step in administering medical relief’? So, he showed some research papers, which, essentially stressed the value of studying in patients, the variable called HRV [Heart Rate Variability]. How do we understand this?

It was observed that heart rate should vary with behavior patterns, adjusting to various stimuli, thereby developing, what seemed to be ‘the capacity’ to cope with, and ‘swing according to applied stress’. Dr Miller, made the point that a steady HRV was never a good sign, and pointed to the possibility of its breaking down in the near future. His next Q was, whether, the Remedial Measures could possibly effectively change the HRV? And if this could be achieved, then the Para Sympathetic Nervous System could possibly function better. Next, he thought of ‘Colored Light’, and sought to shine ‘Appropriate Colored Light’ on the patient’s body, or at various parts, so as to change the HRV, for the better.

This is where the SA seems to be making a decisive entry. In the SA, the Functional Nature of Planets is fixed, for example, for a Taurus Asdt, Ju would function as a FM, whereas, for a Leo Asdt, Ju would function as a FB, etc. Dr Miller was obviously going to judiciously select that ‘Colored Light’ that corresponded to the FB Planets in the patient’s Chart, and then shine this Benefic Light on the patient, with a view to change the HRV. For Dr Miller, success in this line of approach would consist of modifying the HRV, and with it, also the Para Sympathetic Nervous System, so that in the end, this leads to a healthier functioning of the Auto Immune System.

Dr Miller, went on to add that, ‘Colored Light’ must be thought of as no mean therapy, but as something like ‘Vitamin Boost’, that would be beneficial for the system as a whole. He cited that, when such carefully selected Colored Light is shone on the skin or eyes, it has been established by clinical research to be very beneficial. Going a step further, the Doctor, even said that the travelling movement of Colored Photons through the tissues of the human body was much like Light going through a transparent Crystal. All this was very interesting. Returning to the focal point of changing the HRV, he said, in Yoga and Pranaayaama [breath control], a deep slow inhalation, always had the effect of speeding up the heart rate, while longer, slower exhalation, slowed down the heart rate. Thus regulated breathing [Praanaayama], he pointed out, also changed the HRV, and ultimately, brought one to a Sattvic state of serenity, a state of Oneness with the whole movement of life.

Listening to Dr Miller’s CS, I had the following Qs, which I asked him, after he completed this first CS. Firstly, as we know in the SA, that the strengths of the XIIH and the Mo, are good measures of how strong the Immune System in an individual is, what was the necessity to sidestep those SA variables, and unduly stress on Me, which only signifies the strength of the VIH? Secondly, if in our contemporary society, the over-emphasis on ‘our survival competence’, and on ‘a divisive approach to life’, in which the ‘self’ has been endlessly encouraged to win every battle with the ‘other’; has now begun to take its massive toll; then isn’t it obvious that the ‘ultimate medicine’ for all health maladies, is only the sincere and devoted cultivation of the spiritual life?

Dr Miller was in full agreement with me, regarding the second Q. Regarding the first, Professor mentioned that, in the CS taken up Dr Miller, the XIIH Lord, the Su was in fact weak, as it was closely afflicted by the Nodes, it was placed in an afflicted house, its own MTH was also afflicted by Sa, and that even the Mo was suffering from extreme weakness, due to the cause of ‘Dispositor’s Affliction’. Returning to this Q, a little later in the discussion, the Professor added that, “If Me is strong in a Chart, the individual can take shocks in life, and if Me is weak and afflicted, the capacity to take shocks is greatly reduced. Also if Me is weak and afflicted, even overall health is affected”[A very important SA Sutra].

Sri Deepak Kapoor asked a Q about the consequences of the Saturnian affliction to the MEPs of the IIIH, the VH and IXH, and XIIH? However, my memory is failing me at this stage, as to what answer was supplied by Dr Miller. The Professor added that this contributes to the person becoming vulnerable to persistent and multiple health problems.

Originally Dr Jonathan Miller sought to present only this first CS, but after others joined, he later came back with three other CSs, to which I’ll return, after I have covered the intervening Cases, presented by the delegates.

CS#2: [Sagittarius Asdt, with MEP at 10º53?; 13th Dec, 1963;08:10AM, TZ=-5:30Hrs, Delhi(77ºE13?, 28ºN40?)]

Firstly, Professor Choudhry presented this CS, as the Session now invited Charts which could belong to any sphere at all. He came to this particular Chart ‘by association’, as in Dr Miller’s CS, there was much concentration on the role of Me, in health matters. Here, of course, Me is ‘exactly afflicted’ by Ke-Ra in the Asdt house itself.

Suddenly Dr Batra asked a Q in Medical Astrology to the Professor [which strictly speaking belonged to Dr Miller’s CS]: Does Me signify the Sympathetic Nervous System, or the Para Sympathetic Nervous System? The A was that both both kinds of Nervous Systems were signified by Me [SA Sutra].

Professor used this CS to illustrate the consequences of a weak and afflicted Me, in the professional sphere. He said: “If the XH is weak, the individual must be discouraged, from getting into businesses, and when Me is afflicted, must also be discouraged from trading activities.”[SA Sutra].Here was something for SA astrologers to sit up and take notice-we have a Chart which has a strong Asdt Lord, Ju, a strong Sa, as IIIH Lord, a strong Ve as XIH Lord of Income, and yet, the SA is placing a strong restriction on business activities, even though, the SA has also admitted in other Sutras, that for “Entrepreneurial activities: IIIH Lord, Ma, Ve, Sa” do become important Planets.

When some delegate asked the Professor, whether the strong Ju and strong Ve cannot help in this area, he said, both Ju and Ve will help him to have luxuries in life, but will not pull up a falling business. He also gave the amusing info that the individual’s aspirations were so high, that he took money from his father to buy a new BMW! With regard to his business activities [which needed a strong Me], the Professor’s advice to him was unequivocal-he simply placed a moratorium on all his trading and business activities.

CS#3: [Taurus Asdt Chart, MEP=5º57?; 3rd June, 1987, 04:08AM, Calcutta (88ºE22?, 22ºN32?), TZ=-05:30Hrs]

This CS was presented by Sri Deepak Kapoor. He said, the individual was doing his doctoral studies, but suffered a brain damage. Professor pointed out that he was born in the sub-period of the MMP, Ju, and Natal Ju is afflicting exactly, the Mo as the IIIH Lord. ‘Brain damage’, the Professor held amounted to weakness and/or affliction to Me. He also said, part of the brain affliction is difficult to identify.

If I may be permitted by the Professor, I would like to take the liberty of drawing your attention to the D6 DC. Therein, I found Me, badly placed in the VIIIH, and also afflicted by Ma, a FM, which was also badly placed in the VIIIH. Even the Su, is afflicted by Ra-Ke in the D6 DC. We know that in the SA, both the Su and Ma, signify the head, as both are afflicted in the DC, apart from Me also being afflicted, the health setback, is accounted for by the SA.

I sought Professor’s A, for my following Q: In attempting to use the health DC, D6; should we take ‘the significations of the house’, ruled by a certain Planet in the RC, or take the ‘significations of the house’, ruled by the same Planet in the D6 DC? Professor Choudhry, held that one must only go only by the significations of the house, ruled by the Planet, in the RC. [SA Sutra].

CS#4: [21st, Oct, 1978, 22:00Hrs, Delhi (77ºE13?, 28ºN40?), TZ=-05:30Hrs]

This was a Gemini Asdt Chart, with the MEP at 13º50?.Data provided by Col Kailash was this: The individual was divorced a year after marriage, but, remarried in 2008.Was even beaten up by the first spouse. Col Kailash asked the Professor, the pertinent Q, ‘As the placements are good, how may one account for the divorce?’

Professor, pointed out that between June-Sept in 2007, during the Ra sub-period, when, the Nodes had frozen around 13º, with Ra in Aquarius, and Ke in Leo, and when, even Ju, the PD of the life partner, was in the VIH, the relationship could have taken a serious beating, leading to the divorce.[We may also apply the SA Sutra: ‘Tr trends supersede Sub-Period Trends’].

With these CSs covered, Professor adjourned the house for Lunch, after the Fore Noon Session on the Second Day, March 13th.