Dasamsa is the divisional chart for studying the professional affairs in a nativity. New trends in the astrological applications are emerging in the fields of human resource development, scanning of macro environment for investments, setting up of new offices/joint ventures, timing of operations, developing leadership skills, developing concentration for studies, seeking help for emotional stability, seeking help for chronic diseases/prime sterility, analysis of aptitudes of children, etc.
Success in any field depends upon the leadership qualities. Various planets govern various traits of a dynamic personality. For example, for organising, acquiring and cultivating a diligent team, one requires a strong Sun in one's horoscope. Jupiter rules dependability, honesty and knowledge. Mars rules enterprising and aggressive persuasion. The Moon rules the public relations and imagination. Venus rules interactivity, teamwork and tolerance. The Sun and Jupiter rule the integrity while the planet Mercury rules the analytical and communicative capabilities. If any of the planets is weak in the horoscope, the traits ruled by the said planet remain weak endangering success. To avoid picking up the negative traits of net picking, viciousness, rudeness and increased excitability, and harnessing the positive traits, astrology offers strengthening of concerned weak planets. Choosing the right profession, averting setbacks in profession and deriving prosperous results from one's profession for the ultimate peaceful life with the help of the astrological science, is of paramount importance. For detailed study of prime and secondary determinants of profession, the readers may refer to my book, "How to Avert Professional Setbacks."
Predicting the profession of a native is quite a tricky job and is one of the most sought after fields in the predictive astrology. Numerous areas and highly competitive environment - be it business, service, profession, politics, etc., and its magnitude, are the areas, which have charged the atmosphere. This makes it quite difficult for the decision-makers to identify one which should be most suitable from the point of view of success, and also the potentialities of the seekers. There are a number of factors that help us in arriving at a decision on this vital issue and these are as under:
1. The strength and placement of the planet(s) becoming prime and secondary determinant(s) of profession. For example, the sign of a kingly planet like the Sun, the Moon, or affluent planets Venus, Jupiter, Mars, etc. indicate the high degree of affluence of the profession of a native and the income earned.
2. The planetary influences on the houses ruling professional matters.
3. The strength of the operating planetary periods.
The study of the above factors holds the key to decipher the impact of the planetary configuration. Similarly, understanding the nature of planets becoming significator for profession and the planets exerting influence on these planets is necessary. The planets influencing the tenth house, the second house and/or the ascendant, if there is no mooltrikona both in the tenth and second houses, become the primary determinants of the professional matters. The lord of the ascendant of dasamsa containing a mooltrikona sign becomes additional prime determinant of profession. The operating planetary periods between the age of 16 to 24 years become supplementary primary determinants of one's educational/professional pursuits besides the planets influencing the houses ruling professional matters.
The weak planets and/or afflictions to them cause the problems in life. Therefore, a two way application of astral remedies is administered, after diagnosing the problematic planetary influences in a chart. Firstly, the strength is provided to the weak functional benefic planets. The strength can be provided by various methods, for example; gemstones, color therapy, a Kavach (Zodiac Pendant) containing mystical numbers of the planets in an auspicious time. Secondly, the malevolence of the functional malefic planets is reduced by offering propitiatory charities concerning these planets. The two-way application helps in reducing the impact of malefic planetary influences to a large extent. The preventive use of astral remedies is much more useful than the curative astral remedies.
Generally, people resort to astral remedies in the end after trying all other therapies ignoring the distinct advantage of preventive diagnostic power of the astrological science.
Needless to stress, the benefit of preventive astrological remedial measures is better than the curative measures.
Now we take up a few case studies for comprehending the analytical technique.
(Click here
to see chart)
Venus becomes the primary determinant of professional matters in this chart, while the
planets Saturn and Ketu become the secondary determinants. The planets, the Sun, Mercury
and Mars become the supplementary determinants. Saturn
is an additional primary determinant. All
the significator planets are weak in the nativity, and the primary determinant is closely
afflicted in this chart due to the close conjunction of the functional malefics, the Sun
and Mars. The Sun is debilitated in dasamsa
while Saturn and Jupiter are in their signs of debilitation in navamsa. The close influence of the Sun and Mars on the
primary determinant resulted into jobs in the general management field. The placement of
Venus in the sign Leo used to give good jobs to the native, which were short lived and
then he had to wait for a long time for a new job. The native was advised both
propitiatory astral remedies for the functional malefic planets and wearing of a Kavach
for strengthening the weak functional benefic planets, in an auspiciously elected time
which helped him in a spectacular way.
(Click here
to see chart)
Mercury becomes the primary determinant while Mars becomes the secondary determinant in
this nativity. Jupiter becomes the supplementary determinant, while the Sun becomes the
additional primary determinant in this nativity. The
greater involvement of Mercury, the Sun and Jupiter took the native to the organisation
and management of a management consultancy organisation.
The weakness of the Sun and the Moon, however, kept the growth pattern low,
for which the native sought an astral consultation and astral remedies. The performance of suggested astral remedies
helped the native.
(Click here
to see chart)
Venus and Saturn become the primary determinants, while Ketu and Mars become the secondary
determinants of professional matters in this nativity.
Jupiter becomes the supplementary determinant. The primary determinant Venus is placed in the
sign Leo aspecting the house of status while the lord of the house of status is well
placed in the third house. The placement of
Venus in Leo and the occupation of the tenth house by Mars and Ketu resulted into the
native entering the profession of medicine. Between
the formative years from the 16th year of age to the 24th year of age, the native was
running the main and sub-periods of the functional benefic planets except the sub-period
of Ketu, which too, is not forming any close conjunction in the chart. Venus is in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. The weakness of Venus is keeping the professional
matters at a lower level. The native has been
advised remedial measures for strengthening Venus.
(Click here
to see chart)
The Moon is the primary determinant, and Saturn becomes the secondary determinant of
professional matters in this nativity. Mars becomes the supplementary determinant. The
confluence of the Moon, Saturn and Mars took the native to executive cadres in the general
management. Jupiter is in its sign of
debilitation in dasamsa. The native sought
astral consultation, when during the main period of Mars in the sub-period of Jupiter, his
plan of moving to a foreign country in connection with his professional matters was being
inordinately delayed. The native was advised both propitiatory astral remedies for the
functional malefic planets and wearing of a Kavach for strengthening the weak functional
benefic planets in an auspiciously elected time. The
performance of suggested astrological remedies resulted in expediting the move.
(Click here to see chart)
The planets Venus and Saturn are the primary determinants, while the Moon becomes the
secondary determinant of professional matters in this nativity. Venus is badly placed and in the state of infancy
in the rasi chart, while Saturn is in its sign of debilitation in dasamsa. The functional
malefic planet, Jupiter, becoming the supplementary significator, closely afflicts the
tenth house. The weakness of the significator
planets resulted into a routine secretarial job in a private organisation. In the
formative years of career, the native was running the main period of the weak Saturn. To
improve her lot, the native sought astral remedies. The
performance of suggested astrological remedies did show encouraging improvement.
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