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The strength of the houses and
the signs is gauged through the strength of their lords and the
conjunctions/aspects to the most effective point of the houses.
The rising degree in the
ascendant is known as the most effective point of all the houses. The close impact of the planets in the case of houses is gauged through their closeness to the natal positions. Suppose an ascendant of 16 degrees rises. It means the most effective point of each house would be 16 degrees. In case the lord of a mooltrikona house is weak or in case of non-mooltrikona houses, a functional malefic planet having a longitude between 11 to 21 degrees will afflict these houses either by placement or by aspect. In case the lord of a mooltrikona house is "otherwise" strong, that house will only become afflicted under the single influence of a functional malefic planet having a longitude between 15 to 17 degrees, or under the multiple/special influence of functional malefic planet(s) having longitudes between 14 to 18 degrees. That "otherwise" strong lord will become weak for this reason. The influence of any functional malefic planet over its own mooltrikona house will never be malefic.
Q. What if the ascendant of the person rises between 0-5 degree or 25- 30 degree. Then planets close to MEP should be strong but by strength they would be in infancy or old age. Would they be able to promote general or particular signification?
Answer: The strength of a planet does not change by its being close to MEP. If a planet is close to MEP its impact would be felt by the person on the significations of the house(s), as per its functional nature and strength.
For measuring the strength of planets in infancy or old age, you should refer to
Q. What would be the strength of a planet which is in infancy/ old age but close to MEP of the house in the natal chart? Will the general significations of such functional malefic planet suffer during subperiod or its transit close to MEP.
Answer: The strength of the planet and its closeness to the MEP are two different things. For finding out the strength, you should refer to
For measuring the strength of planets in old age or infancy, you should refer to
The general significations of weak functional malefic planet suffer during their sub-period. When the functional malefic planets are near MEP, the significations of the afflicted house and its ruler suffer during the sub periods of the afflicted planet and the close transit impact of the functional malefic planets to the MEP of a house.
When planets are placed in the malefic houses, they generally lose strength by 50% besides suffering through the significations of the malefic house. The placement in the sixth house can involve the person in disputes, debts and can cause ill health. The placement in the eighth house can cause serious obstructions for the significations ruled by the planet. The placement in the twelfth house can cause expenses and losses for the significations of the planet.
The students keep on asking about
the status of the house containing non-mooltrikona sign of the same
planet. You will find in your experience that in the absence of benefic
or malefic close influence on the most effective point (MEP) of a house, the
significations of that house will not bother the person, at all.
The Systems' Approach considers a
planet weak if it is placed in the mooltrikona sign of another weak planet.