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In the case of influence of
functional malefic planets on other strong transit/natal positions, the orb is
one degree on either side while in the case of weak transit/natal positions,
the orb is five degrees on either side.
In the case of influence of
strong functional benefic planets over the strong natal/transit functional
benefic planets, the orb is five degrees on either side. In the case of weak
natal/transit positions it is one degree on either side. While coming
into the mutual aspect/ conjunction with the natal/transit functional malefic
planets, the functional benefic planets get malefically afflicted.
The maximum influence of the
transit or natal conjunction/aspect is when it is within one degree on either
side. As soon as the transit influence starts separating, the influence
starts tapering down. It is very important to see the strength of the
planet on which the transit influence is being studied. For example, if
the Sun being the lord of the fourth house and being a functional benefic
planet, is in the fourth house and its longitude is eleven degrees, the malefic
influence of Jupiter, the most malefic planet for the Taurus ascendant, will be
effective when Jupiter is between 10 degrees to 12 degrees in the signs Leo,
Sagittarius, Aquarius or Aries because the Sun is strongly placed in the natal
chart. Please do not forget to consider the transit strength of this
Sun. If the Sun in a Taurus nativity is placed in the sign Libra at a
longitude of five degrees then the transit influence of Jupiter within zero
degree to 10 degree from the signs Libra, Aries, Aquarius or Gemini would be
effective. However, once the longitude of the transit Jupiter is 5 degrees,
the transit influence would start separating and tapering down but it
will clear the affliction only when the longitude of Jupiter is over ten
degrees. We hope the readers would be able to understand this dimension
for better analysis.
During the sub period of a planet all the impacts on the house, which
contains the MT sign of the said planet, also come into force. Due to such influences on MEP by a strong functional benefic planet even the sub period of a weak planet would be blessing the native with good or very good results.Similarly, a close impact of a funcitonal malefic planet on the MEP of a MT sign house may not allow the planet ruling that MT sign house to show good results in its sub periods even if the said planet is strong in the natal chart. The orb of affliction for a non-mooltrikona sign house is five degrees on either side of the most effective point of the house.