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"Kalsarpa Yoga" - The Myth and Its
Let us first understand what a
yoga is.
The planetary combinations (yogas) in a horoscope
are generated through close conjunctions/aspects of two or more planets in a
natal chart, placements of planet(s) in a particular house or within houses.
When two or more strong functional benefic planets form a
close relationship among themselves or with the most effective points of
benefic houses, they generate good results related to their mooltrikona sign
The Impact of inauspicious Yoga in Astrology
When a yoga is formed due to a close conjunction/aspect of two or more functional malefic planets it is
known as an inauspicious yoga. If two functional malefic planets form a close
relationship, they cause an inauspicious yoga and severely damage the results
related to their mooltrikona houses. If one functional benefic planet and one
functional malefic planet form a close relationship, this causes an
inauspicious yoga that damages the results of the mooltrikona sign house ruled
by the functional benefic planet. When a functional benefic planet occupies a
malefic house, this causes a yoga for misfortune
related to the significations of its mooltrikona sign house. Similarly, when a
functional malefic planet closely influences the most effective point of a
house, it severely damages the significations of that house and the houses
aspected, except the house which is its own mooltrikona sign house.
The Impact of Yoga/Dhanyoga/Rajyoga
in Astrology
The impact
of Rajyogas (fruits of good placements in life) and Dhanayogas (planetary influences giving good wealth and
income) accrues only if the planets involved are strong. Whenever, the
functional benefic planets (planets ruling benefic houses) conjoin or mutually
aspect closely, they form good yogas (such as Rajyogas) connected with the indications of both the houses
involved, provided they are strong. The involvement of a planet ruling the
house of income and/or wealth produces a Dhanayoga.
In other words, mere location of a planet or a set of planets in a particular
sign or house without creating a close relationship through a close conjunction
or aspect does not result into any yoga.
Kaal Sarpa or Kalsarpa or Kala Sarpa, Yoga or Dosha
When all the planets are hemmed between
Rahu and Ketu, the Kalsarpa or Kaal
Sarpa Yoga is said to be formed. A complete Kalsarpa yoga is said to be formed only when half of the
chart is unoccupied by planets. If even one planet is outside the Rahu and Ketu
axis, there is no Kalsarpa Yoga. The results of
mishaps, obstructions, vulnerability to black magic type tricks, etc. are
attributed to this yoga. Kalsarpa Yoga is considered harmful and
sometimes it is believed that it causes sufferings through physical deformity,
persisting struggles, misfortunes and deception.
Until and unless Rahu and Ketu form a close conjunction with the most
effective point of the house or a conjunction/aspect with another planet(s) or
house(s), they do not produce the results of Kalsarpa
Yoga even if the technical planetary influences explained in the preceding
paragraph are found in the natal horoscope.
The misnomer "Kaal Sarpa Yoga" or "Kalsarpa Yoga" or "Kaal
Sarpa Dosha" or "Kalsarpa Dosha" is being
propagated by some people. We think they have not correctly identified the
functional nature of planets in various nativities and have not been able to
pinpoint the reasons for miseries. Any chart containing the so-called Kalsarpa Yoga or "Kaal Sarpa Yoga" will not give bad results until and unless
Rahu or Ketu or other functional malefic planets cause severe conjunctions or
aspects with weak planets or houses in that particular nativity.
Under the Systems' Approach, the analysis is always done with reference to
the placement of planets, their strength and weaknesses, and their mutual relationship
with reference to the ascendant, and its most
effective point in particular.
Let us see a few case studies where the Kalsarpa
Yoga is formed but the individuals did not confront any of the results
attributed to the Kalsarpa Yoga.
Chart 7
Male born
sign Leo rises in the ascendant. The planets Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter,
Venus and Saturn are the functional benefic planets while the Moon, Rahu and
Ketu are the functional malefic planets.
Mercury, Venus and Mars act as Sun-like planets.
is a chart showing a complete Kalsarpa yoga. The only
close influence of Rahu in this birth chart is on Venus placed in ninth house.
Venus rules sports and courage. The influence of Rahu on Venus got him
interested in sports from a very young age. He was born into a fairly well
placed family. The Sun and Mars are exalted in the birth chart. Venus ruling
sports is in close conjunction with the Sun and placed in a Sun-like house. Saturn,
ruling the seventh house, is strongly well placed in the birth chart. He
achieved success with his professional cricket in
Male born
sign Libra rises in the ascendant. The planets Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus
and Saturn become functional benefic planets. Besides Rahu and Ketu, Mercury
also becomes a functional malefic planet. Jupiter acts as a Sun-like planet.
is a chart showing complete Kalsarpa yoga. Rahu and
Ketu do not afflict the most effective points of the houses. The only influence
of Rahu is on the planet debilitated Mars. This person has a strong Sun
and a strong Jupiter in the birth chart. The lord of the tenth house is placed
in the eleventh house, ruling gains. The lords of the tenth and the eleventh
houses are in close conjunction. This creates an influence of earning well
despite the weakness of the Moon. The person achieved quite good success in his
professional ventures and attained the highest position in his field in his
organization. The ascendant lord is also placed in the eleventh house in close
conjunction with the lord of the twelfth house. This conjunction brought him
income from multinational companies. The close influence of Rahu on Mars made
the person very ambitious for investments in properties, real estate and he has
made good gains in real estate investments. The impact of Rahu may create
some problems due to disputes with partners and the health problems to the
spouse. He is married and is blessed with a daughter and a son. His wife
belongs to a well-placed family and his father was an officer with government.
This case also doesn't show any traces of the results of the so-called Kalsarpa yoga.
Male born
sign Leo rises in the ascendant. The planets Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter,
Venus and Saturn are the functional benefic planets while the Moon, Rahu and
Ketu are the functional malefic planets.
Mercury, Venus and Mars act as Sun-like planets.
is a case study showing a complete Kalsarpa Yoga.
Jupiter is strong while the Sun is fairly strong. Mercury is combust and under
the close influence of Rahu. In the Rasi chart, the lord of the house of
fortune, Mars, is weak as it is under the exact affliction of Ketu. The
weakness of Mars is covered by the fairly strong Sun in the birth chart. The
significator of wife, Venus, is weak as it is debilitated in the Navamsa chart.
The fourth house is occupied by two functional benefic planets which are not
close to the most effective point of the house. The two planets in the fifth
house, as per their strength, give results without many efforts.
native headed a large business organization, acquired properties and had quite
good success in his business ventures. Even into his eighties, he was in a
commanding position including good health. He was a multi-millionaire and
enjoyed the comforts of mansions, luxurious vehicles, royal travels, honor from
hundreds of employees, a large family, government status, etc. He represented
employers on government forums. He was also an Editor of SAARC Magazine. This
chart does not show any traces of challenges due to the so-called, Kalsarpa Yoga.
Male born
sign Gemini rises in the ascendant. The Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter,
Venus and Saturn are functional benefic planets. Rahu and Ketu are the
functional malefic planets. The planets Saturn and Moon also act as Sun-like
is a case study showing a complete Kalsarpa
Yoga. The native has been working as a
manager after completing his professional studies. He is married and has
children but because of the weakness of the planets in the birth chart he is
facing challenges in life. Rahu and Ketu do not form a close affliction in the
birth chart. The impact of weak planets is shown in the form of challenges in
life in the form of health concerns, relationship matters and matters
pertaining to assets. The native sought the help of astral remedies. With the
performance of astral remedies, he managed things in a better way. Until and
unless there is a close affliction of Rahu and Ketu the challenges indicated
for the so-called Kalsarpa Yoga do not become
severe. So, we see the results of the
placement of planets in a birth chart on the basis of planetary configurations
and not on the basis of any yoga, like Kalsarpa yoga
in this case.
Male born on
sign Virgo rises in the ascendant in the horoscope. The planets Moon,
Venus, Jupiter and Mercury become favorable planets. Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu
and Ketu become the functional malefic planets. Venus acts as a Sun-like
In this
chart Rahu and Ketu are almost exactly on the most effective point of the houses of
their location and afflict the houses occupied and aspected. They also make the
planets Saturn, Mars, Sun, Jupiter and Venus weak through the close aspect
affliction to their moolatrikona sign houses.
There is
a complete Kalsarpa Dosha
in this chart. The lord of the second house, ruling status, wealth and family,
is weak due to debilitation, combustion and close affliction to its mooltrikona sign house.
The lord of the fourth house is well placed but weak due to weakness of its
dispositor. Mercury, ruling the ascendant, is strongly placed in its
exaltation. The Moon ruling the house of income is weak. Saturn is weak due to
infancy and weak dispositor. This person is under depression as there is no
work. He is not settled even at the age of 33 years. There were obstructions in
education. Marriage was delayed. The family relationship is stressed. Here Kalsarpa yoga shows its impact as the impact of the strong
afflictions of Rahu and Ketu comes into force.
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