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Impact of Exalted Functional
Malefics in Astrology
I am sure everybody would be curious to know the true colors of a functional malefic planet when it is exalted, whether it becomes a benefic or continues to act as a malefic, what type of results would be bestowed by this planet during the course of its sub-periods or when it forms close transit conjunction/aspect with natal positions of planets and/or with mid-points or the most effective points or MEPs of various houses.
The issue of functional nature of planets stands discussed threadbare in the earlier chapters. To understand the impact of exalted functional malefic planets, we have to recapitulate a few preliminaries. That is, the strength of the planet, its placement, its relationship with other natal positions and the role of planets. The planets bestow two types of results: firstly, trend results during their sub-periods and secondly, the short duration results due to transit conjunctions/aspects of various planets to the natal positions. A house is considered strong firstly when its lord is strong and well placed/aspected, secondly the house is not closely afflicted by the functional malefics and thirdly the house is influenced by the functional benefics.
First of all, we shall see how a planet plays its role and influences various houses. The first role of a planet is as a natural significator of certain things, such as, the Sun rules father, status, heart and general vitality. The second role of the planet is as a particular significator. The particular significator means the significations of the house where its mooltrikona sign is placed.
For this purpose, under the Systems' Approach, the sign Cancer is considered as the mooltrikona sign of the Moon. The third role of the planet is its close relationship within less than five degrees. The fourth role of the planet is due to its placement. The functional malefics, when strong, protect and promote their general and particular significations. Similarly, when weak, they fail to protect and promote their general and particular significations. When they are conjunct with the mid-point of a house, they destroy the significations of the houses occupied and aspected except when this house is having their own mooltrikona sign. If they are not closely conjunct with the midpoint of the house they are occupying, they create short duration problems pertaining to the house of their location when they are influenced by the functional malefics in transit. For example, if the rising degree is ten in the Aries ascendant and the exalted Mercury is at 20 degrees the same does not afflict the house aspected but can afflict the planets aspected by it closely. Even if this Mercury is at 10 degrees, it will not afflict the sixth house as this house is its own but it will afflict the significations of the twelfth house and all such other planets which are between five degrees to fifteen degrees in the sixth and twelfth houses, during the sub-periods of functional malefics and the afflicted planets. The native will experience negative results of the houses where their mooltrikona signs are placed. To explain this clearly, let us take a few situations.
Situation 1:
Pisces rises with 10 degrees. Mercury is 12 degrees in the fifth house while exalted Saturn is 11 degrees in the eighth house.
Saturn, being a functional malefic planet, occupies the eighth house close to the most effective point. So it will spoil the significations of the eight, tenth, second and fifth houses. It will also spoil the general and particular significations of Mercury as it aspects the Mercury with an exact aspect. The harm will be more if the planets Venus, Jupiter, Mars and the Moon are weak in the nativity, while the harm will be less if these planets are
strong. If Venus is weak, such a person may have a short or medium life span, loss of inheritance and divorce. Saturn despite same obstructions will protect and promote its own general and particular significations if Venus is strong but during its own period and sub-periods, it will also cause losses and expenses.
Situation 2:
The ascendant is Capricorn. MEP is 19 degrees. The Sun is 7 degrees in the fourth house. Mars is 6 degrees in the tenth house. Jupiter is 18 degrees in the seventh house and the Moon is 12 degrees in the seventh house.
In this situation the Sun and Jupiter are functional malefic planets. In spite of being exalted, Jupiter fails to fully protect/promote their general and particular significations as it becomes weak due to the fact of being exactly on the most effective point of its house of placement. During its sub-periods it will also cause harm to the significations of the afflicted seventh, eleventh, first and third houses.
The exalted Sun is not on the most effective point of the fourth house, but it also becomes weak as it exactly afflicts its dispositor, Mars, and therefore fails to fully protect/promote their general and particular significations. During the sub-periods of the Sun, it will also harm the significations of Mars. During the sub-periods of Mars, as well, similar situation will prevail. The results of afflictions are felt during the sub-periods of both afflicting and afflicted planets.
Situation 3:
The ascendant is Capricorn with 18 degrees MEP. The exalted Sun is in the fourth house at 18 degrees. Exalted Jupiter is at 7 degrees in the seventh house. Mercury is at 11 degrees in the fifth house.
In this situation both the functional malefic planets are in their signs of exaltation. The Sun is just on the most effective point of the fourth house. The Sun becomes weak as the most effective point of the house of its location is under its own exact affliction. Thus the Sun will not be able to protect its general and particular significations such as inheritance, status to self and father, prosperity to father and it will harm the domestic peace, assets, mother, career, etc. Jupiter is not on the most effective point of the house of its location and hence do not cause affliction due to aspects and placement. Not existing other causes of weakness, its general and particular significations will be promoted and protected. Whenever transit functional malefic planets form close conjunctions and aspects with this Jupiter the matters signified by the seventh and twelfth houses would be malefically influenced. The duration of such transit afflictions will be only to the extent of the duration of the close conjunction/aspect.
Situation 4:
Aquarius rises in the ascendant with 15 degrees. The exalted Moon is at 12 degrees in the fourth house. Venus is at 13 degrees and Mercury is at 10 degrees in the tenth house. The Sun is at 7 degrees in the eleventh house.
The Moon and Mercury are functional malefic planets and the Moon is exalted. Both of these planets are afflicting the most effective point of the houses of their location and the houses aspected by them in addition to Venus. While the general and particular significations of the planets Moon and Mercury will be tense, the significations of the fourth, tenth and ninth houses shall be harmed during the sub-periods of the Moon, Mercury and Venus. As both Venus and the Moon are afflicted by Mercury it may cause severe problems regarding the health of the spouse, the assets and mental peace of the native and the native will have to face litigation in life. At the same time, a strong Sun will bless the native with a spouse from a highly placed family which will enhance the social status of the native. The placement and strength of the Sun also blesses the native through income earned by the spouse.
Situation 5:
Scorpio rises in the ascendant with 14 degrees. Debilitated Jupiter is at 11 degrees in the third house. Exalted Venus is at 12 degrees in the fifth house.
The most effective points of the fifth and the eleventh houses are afflicted by close conjunction/aspect of the functional malefic Venus. The matters pertaining to both these houses will suffer. The exaltation of Venus will not be able to protect and promote the luxury in life, happy and long spell of married life as Venus becomes weak due to the affliction of the most effective point of its house of placement. The weakness of Jupiter as lord of the second house, besides the influence of Venus on the fifth house, will deny the happiness of a male child.
Situation 6:
Sagittarius rises in the ascendant with 18 degrees. The Sun is in the ascendant at 11 degrees. The exalted Moon is in the sixth house at 8 degrees.
Here the Moon is not forming close conjunction with the most effective point of the sixth house and therefore is not causing affliction to the sixth or twelfth house. The Moon gets some strength on account of its being in the sign of its exaltation besides being strong in the Pakshabala (due to being placed more than 72 degrees away from the Sun). Its placement in the sixth house makes it weak. Taking all aspects together it will bestow mixed results. Whenever it is afflicted by transit Rahu or Ketu, it will harm the health and financial position for short durations. The general significations of the Moon will be average, while the particular significations of the Moon that is the significations of the eighth house will suffer only to some extent due to its bad placement and will cause litigations and conflicts.
Situation 7:
Taurus rises with 27 degrees. Exalted Jupiter is in the third house at 6 degrees. Exalted Venus is at 27 degrees in the eleventh house. Exalted Mars is at 18 degrees in the ninth house.
Only the functional malefic Venus in on the most effective point of the eleventh house and it will deny happiness on account of gains from friends, emotional stability, male progeny and elder brothers. Venus in the eleventh house turns weak as it afflicts the most effective point of the house of its placement. This weak Venus will not be able to protect the significations of the sixth house and its general significations. The strength of Jupiter and Mars and their good placement will promote the general and particular significations of both these planets.
Situation 8:
Cancer rises with 22 degrees. Exalted Jupiter with 8 degrees is in the ascendant, itself. Exalted Sturn is at 24 degrees in the fourth house.
The functional malefic Jupiter is not on the most effective point of the ascendant while the most malefic planet, Saturn, is on the most effective point of the fourth house. The affliction of Saturn to the most effective points of the fourth, sixth, tenth and first houses weakens Venus, Jupiter, Mars and the Moon in this horoscope. Saturn also becomes weak due to weakness of its dispositor. During the sub-periods of Saturn it will not be able to protect and promote its general and particular significations but will also spoil the significations of the first, fourth, sixth and tenth houses. Jupiter's sub-period will make the person vulnerable to litigation, illness and insolvency. The transit afflictions of these planets to weak natal positions are always harmful.