"Weekly Horoscope for Gemini."

"Astrologer", Horoscope reading, other astrology services, transit impact of Saturn in your horoscope from Systems' Approach Astrologer.Learn Astrology for good learning.
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Predictions for the current week

The professional matters look promising.
Lord of gains Mars in 100% strength transits your ascendant....positive for initiatives and financial gains.
Friends and social circle help generate new opportunities.
Exalted Venus in your 10th house.....very good spell for creative people and students as it transits through its exaltation sign for about 4 months.
Lord of initiatives the Sun transits house of fortune; good for business ventures and PR work.
Debilitated Mercury necessitates patience in family matters.
Fairly strong Saturn in Aquarius, fortune favours.
Transit of Jupiter; in your 12th house - positive for vacations and matters related to foreign lands.

Jupiter transits Taurus until 14th May, 2025, you may refer to the following link for its impact on your rising sign.
Jupiter's Transit in Taurus

Prolonged & positive transit movement of Saturn indicates gains and frequent travel as well.

Nodal axis shifts to your kendra. To read more about its impact for you, click at the following link.
Impact of Transit RAHU in PISCES & Transit KETU in VIRGO.

The prolonged transit planetary influences caused by Rahu/Ketu are difficult, for those whose ascending degree is around 3 or some planet is around 3 degrees in even signs.

Saturn transits Aquarius until 29th March, 2025. You may refer to the following link for its impact on your ascendant.
Saturn's Transit in Aquarius

Continuously propitiate Rahu and Ketu.
Strengthen your birth planets through a Special Power Kavach as transit weakness of planets can bring sudden mishaps.