1. Horoscope details - that is date, time and place of birth of the person desirous of Kavach.
2. The details of place of stay early next month for the person to wear the Kavach with longitudes, latitudes and
summer time correction, if any.
3.The complete postal address for despatch of Kavach through registered
Kavach can be worn in a thread or a gold chain around the neck and
after one starts wearing the Kavach for the first time one should continuously wear
it. There is no precaution to be taken by the wearer of the Kavach.
Kavach can be taken off the body if it is mandatory to take the Kavach off the body. One can do that but should
again wear the Kavach as soon as it is possible to derive the impact of the Kavach continuously.
The thread of the Kavach can be changed, whenever it requires a change.