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All results of planetary configurations are to be borne by the native. If the native is blessed with longevity only then the results of various combinations will fructify. The question of determining longevity requires great expertise. Numbers of systems are found in the classical works in this regard but none of them is perfect. Actual death cases do not respond correctly to any of the methods. Many astrologers apply fixed combinations revolving around the weakness of the Moon and its position in malefic houses, the ascendant sandwiched in the natural malefic planets, etc. for alpayu (short life span) mentioned in the classical works and predict the death in childhood. This causes great mental agony to the parents. Many times the predictions on longevity fail. Similarly, persons who have been predicted purnayu (full life span) die in the middle age. Although, the task is very difficult, yet we have to develop some system which should be close to accuracy. Our studies indicate that the operating main period/sub-period provides us the key to determine the life span. If the ascendant contains a mooltrikona sign, the prime determinants of longevity are the ascendant and the lord of ascendant i.e. either the ascendant lord is strong or the ascendant should be aspected by its own lord and functional benefic planets and be free from the functional malefic aspects. In case the ascendant does not contain a mooltrikona sign, the prime determinants of longevity are the ascendant and the lord of the eighth house containing a mooltrikona sign. If the ascendant and the eighth house do not contain a mooltrikona sign, the prime determinants of longevity are the ascendant and the lord of the twelfth house containing a mooltrikona sign. If the ascendant, the eighth house and the twelfth house do not contain a mooltrikona sign, the prime determinants of longevity are the ascendant and the significator of longevity, Saturn. Classics guide us that if the lord of the ascendant is weak by way of occupying an inimical sign, or is in the state of debilitation, combustion, posited in the sixth, eighth and twelfth houses, then in its main period the native meets with misfortunes. Classics further indicate if there are one or more of combinations mentioned in the preceding sentence, then during the main period of such an ascendant lord the person may have to go to jail/exile and suffer from mental and physical diseases. There may be loss of position and continued miseries leading to end of life.

The supplementary determinants of longevity are the Sun, the Moon and the significator of longevity, Saturn. In case all these factors i.e. the prime and the supplementary determinants are strong and the functional benefic planets occupy angles/trines, a native is blessed with Purnayu. In case the prime determinants and the significator for longevity are strong, a native is blessed with madhyayu (medium life span) in spite of the indifferent health due to other weak planetary combinations in the chart. In case the prime and supplementary determinants are weak a person can only be expected to have alpayu. Extremely weak position of the Moon, weakness of prime determinants and operation of main period of an extremely weak and afflicted prime determinant at birth results in balarishta i.e. danger to life in infancy (up to 8 years).

The weak and afflicted planets placed in the eighth or twelfth houses also take over the role of a death inflicting planet in case the prime determinants of longevity are weak.

The functional malefic planets afflicting the weak ascendant or eighth or twelfth house become death inflicting planets. The lords of the eighth and twelfth house, if weak, can also cause death in their periods or sub-periods. The transit of slow moving or stationary functional malefic planets during death inflicting planetary periods or sub-periods in exact conjunction with the ascendant, ascendant lord or the eighth house may result in the end of life. The periods or sub-periods of the lords of malefic houses (dusthana) cause death when such a lord forms close relationship with a weak determinant of longevity.

The combust and/or debilitated planets ruling the eighth or twelfth houses and the weak planets placed in the eighth or twelfth houses cause death in their own sub-periods if the ascendant is weak.

A close aspect of a functional benefic planet to a weak planet/house reduces the weakness to some extent. The weak planets, other than the prime and supplementary determinants for longevity, cause ill-health in commensuration to their weakness/affliction. After carefully examining the longevity determinants and assessing the life span, (a native is likely to enjoy) we may arrive at the planetary periods/sub-period with the help of transit chart which may result in the most unwanted but true fact of life i.e death. However, an overriding caution is that the assessed life span should be only kept in view by the astrologer for his own consideration. The longevity in the case of extreme illness can be known through horary chart.

The following planetary periods can cause death:-

(i) The sub-periods of the afflicting functional malefic planets in the main period of determinants of longevity.

(ii) The sub-periods of weak and afflicted determinants of longevity in the main periods of the functional malefic planets.

(iii) The sub-periods or periods of weak and afflicted planets placed in the eighth and twelfth houses.

We would cite a few cases in light of the foregoing:

Male born 11th September, 1937, 0750 Hrs. 70E00 31N50, India.

Though the ascendant lord being prime determinant of longevity is weak due to combustion and being in infancy, it retains some power as it is unafflicted and is in the state of exaltation. The functional malefic Saturn is closely aspecting the most effective point of the ascendant. The Sun, the significator of vitality, is the lord of the twelfth house and occupies the twelfth house. The Moon is weak as it occupies its sign of debilitation. The strong Jupiter occupies the angular house. Rahu closely afflicts weak Venus. There are both positive and negative factors. The significator for vitality in its own sign and strong Jupiter in the angular house provide strength to the otherwise weak prime determinants. The lord of the eighth house is well placed without any close affliction to it or by it to any other natal position. The significator of longevity is well placed. The life span can be assessed as medium. During the main period of Venus and sub-period of debilitated Rahu, which is closely afflicting Venus, the native breathed his last at the age of 51 years. In ashthamsa (D-8) the main period lord is debilitated and badly placed, and the sub-period lord aspects the ascendant.

Male born 18th September, 1951 0915Hrs. 28.39N 77.13E
(Click here to see chart)

The lord of the ascendant, weak Venus, becoming prime determinant of longevity occupies the afflicted eleventh house and suffers from the close affliction of Mercury, who is closely conjunct with Ketu. Jupiter is placed in the sixth house and does not aspect the ascendant or its lord. The Moon, though occupying an angular house, is weak as its dispositor is debilitated. The Sun, being dispositor of weak Venus and the closely conjunct functional malefics Mercury and Ketu, occupies the twelfth house in infancy. Saturn, the significator of longevity, is weak due to combustion and placement in the twelfth house. Except that the ascendant lord is not combust and also does not occupy a dusthana the chart is devoid of other strengths. After prolonged illness, the native breathed his last at the age of 35 years during the sub-period of Jupiter in the main period of the Moon. The ascendant lord of the rasi chart is in the eighth house of ashthamsa. The native breathed his last in the main period of ascendant lord of ashthamsa and sub-period of Jupiter occupying the sixth house in both rasi and ashthamsa.

Male born 14th December, 1949, 1030Hrs. 26.46N 82.08E
(Click here to see chart)

The Sun becoming prime determinant of longevity is weak as it is in old age. The significator of longevity is weak due to bad placement and weak dispositor. Mars is weak as it is in the state of infancy and its dispositor is posited in the twelfth house in the state of combustion. The functional malefic Jupiter closely afflicts the weak Moon. Mercury is placed in the twelfth house and its dispositor is debilitated. All factors governing the longevity are weak. The native breathed his last at the age of 39 years during the main period of the functional malefic and debilitated Jupiter and sub-period of Mercury. In ashthamsa, weak Jupiter is placed in the eighth house and weak Mercury also occupies the twelfth house.

Male born 26th December, 1950, 0320Hrs. 21.53N 83.28E, India.

The most effective point of the ascendant is closely aspected and afflicted by Rahu. The ascendant lord, Venus, is placed in the third house. Jupiter, Venus’s dispositor, is badly placed and debilitated in navamsa. The most malefic planet, Mercury, is on the most effective point of the third house afflicting the third and ninth houses and making the planets placed in the third and ninth houses weak. Mercury, also closely afflicts the Moon by way of an aspect and the ascendant lord, Venus, by way of a conjunction. Therefore, Venus, the prime determinant of longevity, is weak and afflicted. The significator of longevity, Saturn, is badly placed in the twelfth house in rasi and ashthamsa. In ashthamsa the Sun is debilitated and also badly placed. Mixed influences touch the prime and supplementary determinants. Medium life span can be assessed for the native. During the main period of Mercury, the lord of the twelfth house, and sub-period of Rahu, the native breathed his last at the age of 37 years.

Male born 23rd April, 1937, 2100Hrs. 30.12N 71.28E
(Click here to see chart)

Venus becomes the prime determinant of longevity as there is no mooltrikona sign in the ascendant or in the eighth house. Venus is weak due to infancy and bad placement in the sixth house. The Sun and Mercury being in the old age are also badly placed in the sixth house. Jupiter is in its sign of debilitation. The weakness of Venus, its bad placement and its close affliction to the most effective point of the sixth house signifying health, reduces the life span. When this chart was presented to the author, this observation was made and the native was provided with a Kavach for strengthening of Venus. Just five days before his death in the sub-period of Venus in the main period of Saturn, the native removed the Kavach from his person and suffered a massive heart attack to which he succumbed five days later.

Male born 23rd April, 1928, 1300 Hrs. 28.39N 77.13E
(Click here to see chart)

The lord of the ascendant, the Moon, occupies the eleventh house in its sign of exaltation. The sign Libra rises in the ashthamsa whose lord Venus becoming additional determinant of longevity is strong and well placed in the nativity. The Sun is in its sign of exaltation. The ascendant is closely afflicted by the malefic aspects of Jupiter and Saturn. The most malefic planet, Saturn, closely aspects and afflicts the lord of the ascendant. Saturn, being the lord of the eighth house and the significator for longevity, is closely afflicted by the sixth lord. Mercury is the weakest planet and is closely afflicted by Jupiter. Whenever the lord of the ascendant has some strength, the weakness and affliction of some other planet may cause ill health concerning that planet but there is less danger to the longevity. The native breathed his last on 6th November, 1992, after a paralytic attack during the sub-period of Venus in the main period of Mercury at the age of 64 years.

Male born 18th February, 1992, 2037 Hrs. 28.37N 77.10E
(Click here to see chart)

The lord of the ascendant is weak due to combustion, bad placement and close affliction from the functional malefics Sun and Ketu. The functional malefic Sun is closely conjunct with the most effective point of the sixth house, as well. The most malefic planet, Mars, closely afflicts the most effective points of the fifth, eleventh and twelfth houses. Venus is closely conjunct with the eighth lord, Mars, and is highly afflicted. The Moon is badly placed and is afflicted by the Sun and Mars. Jupiter is badly placed and is under the close aspect of Rahu. Saturn, being the significator of longevity, is weak as the most effective point of the house of its placement is closely afflicted by the most malefic planet. In ashthamsa the mooltrikona sign of afflicted Venus rises. All the functional benefic planets are utterly weak and afflicted. Within a few hours of the birth, the transit Moon also came under the exact affliction of Rahu, which took the life of the child away. We do not think any other system of measuring the strength of planets and life span can be so pin pointing. At the time of death the child was running the sub-period of Saturn, the lord of the afflicted sixth house, in the main period of Ketu.

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